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MS in Information Technology (Pittsburgh&Silicon Valley)


  • 全日制学制:
  • 专业方向:
  • 非全日制:
  • 学位名称:
  • 学位类型:
  • 学位等级:
  • 专业简称:
  • 开学时间:
  • 减免学分:
  • 开学时间:
  • 申请截止时间:
  • offer发放时间:
  • offer发放截止时间:
  • 申请费用:
  • 学费:
  • 书本费:
  • 生活费:
  • 交通费:
  • 住宿费用:
  • 其他费用:
  • 总花费:
Transcript: Upload transcripts from all colleges and/or universities you have attended at both the undergraduate and the graduate levels, whether or not you earned a degree from that college or university. All transcripts, mark sheets and degree certificates written in foreign languages must be submitted in the original language and an English translation. If admitted and enrollment is accepted, proof of graduation must be submitted no later than the end of July as a condition of enrollment (see “Submission of Package” under Admission). Proof of graduation includes final official transcripts or mark sheets, and will be required as a condition of enrollment at Carnegie Mellon no later than July 31 unless stated otherwise. Proof of graduation includes final official transcripts, and a quality photocopy of a provisional certificate, certificate of graduation and/or degree certificate, and/or a diploma. Failure to provide these documents in the manner requested or at all, or failure to graduate will result in termination of enrollment. Admitted applicants who accept enrollment will be notified how to properly submit proof of graduation. Academic records submitted to the INI before a formal request is made may be discarded. Curriculum Vitae: All technical and other certificates should be listed in your resume, and the INI will no longer accept photocopies of such documents. Personal Statement: The Statement of Purpose will be submitted online as responses to a series of questions. Hard copy statements will not be accepted. The questions include: Briefly explain your objective in pursuing the master's degree for which you are applying. Describe your background in engineering, computer science, and other fields particularly relevant to your objectives. Include any industrial or commercial work experience. Outline your research experience and list any publications. Provide any additional information you feel would be useful to the admissions committee in determining your suitability for admission to the INI. There is limited space to respond to the questions, so the responses should be concise and to the point. No additional space will be provided, nor will addendums to the questions be accepted. Recommendation Letter: Submit three letters of recommendation. At least two of these should be from faculty or recent employers. People who recommend you should know you well and be able to evaluate the quality of your work. Recommendations must be submitted electronically via the online form. Financial Certificate: International applicants who want to be considered for funding must complete the “Financial Support” section under “Supplemental Information” in the online application form. Applicants must answer “Yes” or “No” to the question “Do you wish to be considered for financial support from Carnegie Mellon?” Applicants who choose “No” will not be considered for funding if admitted. Choosing “Yes” will not affect a decision on admission nor will it affect the eligibility for funding. The purpose of the question is to determine which applicants to consider for funding if they are admitted. Applicants must also identify any source of funding they have or will request, and/or provide a support letter. The letter does not have to be notarized or otherwise legitimized, it is for information only.
学位要求:Bachelor 专业要求:Computer science, electrical and computer engineering, information science, information systems, information technology or a related field with a minimum cumulative QPA of 3.1 or equivalent 课程要求: including successful completion of undergraduate probability or statistics courses * 申请链接:http://www.ini.cmu.edu/degrees/psv_msit/details.html 招生电话:(412) 268-7195 招生邮箱:ini-admissions@andrew.cmu.edu 邮寄地址:Information Networking Institute, Admissions Committee,Carnegie Mellon University, 4616 Henry St. Pittsburgh, PA 15213-3890, USA
  • 澳际QQ群:610247479
  • 澳际QQ群:445186879
  • 澳际QQ群:414525537