Request official transcript(s) from institutions you’ve attended, including Rutgers. Your institution(s) should send original, official transcripts, showing your degree awarded, to the appropriate graduate admissions office. If your institution is a sending member of Parchment, eScrip-Safe, or National Student Clearinghouse, Rutgers will be able to receive your official transcripts electronically. We also accept electronic transcripts from India sent via TrueCopy Credentials. View address information for Graduate and Professional Admissions offices(
If the official copy of your transcript will be delayed past the program deadline, consider uploading an unofficial, scanned copy of your transcripts.
Personal Statement:
A clear statement, about one page in length, outlining the reasons why the applicant wishes to pursue graduate study in computer science. (If appropriate, please specify one or more areas of particular interest, to help us assign advisors. See section 5: for a list of areas.)
Which faculty members or research labs at Rutgers are you most interested in working with? List up to three.
Recommendation Letter:
Strong letters of recommendation. (3): Fill in your recommenders' email addresses carefully so that they can receive your request and submit your recommendation without delay. Please refer to for more information.
专业要求:Computer Science, Mathematics and related fields.
课程要求:The department requires that applicants to the M.S. program have completed an undergraduate program in Computer Science, or taken the following prerequisite courses for the undergraduate degree:(
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