Certified copy of transcript (1).Please forward your application documents directly to the School of Biomedical Engineering:Admissions Committee,School of Biomedical Engineering,McMaster University,1280 Main Street West - ETB 109,Hamilton, Ontario,L8S 4K1.
Curriculum Vitae:
Resume is required.
Personal Statement:
Statement of Interest (1-2 page document which indicates your interest in pursuing graduate studies with the School of Biomedical Engineering)
Recommendation Letter:
Two confidential letters of recommendation from instructors most familiar with your academic work. Please note that McMaster University uses the Electronic Referencing System. By entering the email address of your referee through the online application, the system will automatically send an e-Reference request on your behalf. If for some reason you are unable to use the Electronic Referencing System, you can download the Reference form here References (Word) | References (PDF)
Other Document:
Area of Interest Form (please click onto the link below & complete and return this form to Admission Committee) Areas of Interest (Word) | Areas of Interest (PDF)
邮寄地址:Admissions Committee, School of Biomedical Engineering, McMaster University, 1280 Main Street West - ETB 109, Hamilton, Ontario, L8S 4K1