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JSD (Doctor of Science of Law )


  • 全日制学制:
  • 专业方向:
  • 非全日制:
  • 学位名称:
  • 学位类型:
  • 学位等级:
  • 专业简称:
  • 开学时间:
  • 减免学分:
  • 开学时间:
  • 申请截止时间:
  • offer发放时间:
  • offer发放截止时间:
  • 申请费用:
  • 学费:
  • 书本费:
  • 生活费:
  • 交通费:
  • 住宿费用:
  • 其他费用:
  • 总花费:
  • 雅思成绩:
  • 雅思总分:
  • 托福成绩:
  • 托福总分:
Transcript: You must submit an official transcript and, where applicable, a diploma or proof of degree from all postsecondary (university level) institutions you have attended, whether or not you earned a degree. If you are unable to submit original documents to LSAC, you may submit certified copies. If the originals are not in English, you must submit an official, certified translation of each document in addition to the original document. If you are in school at the time you submit your application, submit your most recent transcript, and send an updated one to LSAC once your fall grades are available. We strongly prefer but do not require the International Transcript Authentication and Evaluation Service in addition to the basic CAS service; it is up to you whether you select the evaluation service. Curriculum Vitae: You must submit a résumé or curriculum vitae for consideration as part of your application. Personal Statement: Your Personal Statement should describe your background, academic and research interests, and professional goals. You should prepare this statement without assistance from others. The format of the statement should not exceed three double-spaced pages using a 12-point font with standard margins. We will not accept a résumé or curriculum vitae in place of the statement. Recommendation Letter: We require two original letters of recommendation from your law school professors, employers, supervisors, or other persons qualified to appraise your academic potential for doctoral level research and writing. At least one letter should come from a law school professor. While we prefer to receive only two letters, occasionally, J.S.D. candidates will have good reason to submit additional letters which speak to the applicant’s ability to conduct doctoral level research and writing. If you are submitting additional letters, they must be submitted through LSAC’s Credential Assembly Service by the application deadline. Please note, however, that your application will be considered complete as soon as we have received two letters in your CAS report from LSAC. Dissertation Proposal: Your dissertation proposal must be written in English and be in the range of 2,500 words (ten double-spaced pages), with a meaningful working title. In addition to the ten page proposal, you must include a two-page bibliography at the end of your proposal (for a total of twelve pages) that lists relevant works that proved significant in the formulation of your thinking about your project. The substance of the proposal can be found at http://www.law.columbia.edu/admissions/graduate-legal-studies/jsd-program/application-instructions/application-components Writing Sample: Your writing sample must be originally written in English; translations of works originally written in another language do not qualify. The size of the document you upload cannot exceed 2MB. If your writing sample is in a format that exceeds the 2MB requirement, we recommend you reformat it so that it does not exceed the size limit.
学位要求:Bachelor 专业要求:To be eligible for admission to the J.S.D. program, applicants must hold a first degree in law. A degree in a field other than law, even if followed by a master's degree in law, generally does not suffice for admission. 申请链接:http://www.law.columbia.edu/admissions/graduate-legal-studies/jsd-program/eligibility-and-admission-standards 招生电话:212-854-2655 招生邮箱:gls@law.columbia.edu 邮寄地址:Office of Graduate Legal Studies, Columbia Law School, 435 West 116th Street, Mail Code 4036, New York, New York 10027-7297
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