Submit a curriculum vitae (CV), 3 reference letters, statement of purpose, and academic transcripts electronically via the online graduate admissions application
Curriculum Vitae:
Include information about your academic credentials, work experience, and publications
Personal Statement:
What are my reasons for wanting to study Biophysics?
Why am I interested in studying Biophysics at Ohio State verses another university?
What are my long-term goals as a scientist?
What personal or academic characteristics are unique about me?
What are my personal interests?
What are my research experiences?
Include information about your college or University and the faculty writing your recommendations.
Recommendation Letter:
Three reference letters from faculty, advisors or mentors who are very familiar with your academic credentials and your potential as a future scientist. Reference letters commenting on research performance are preferred over letters commenting only on classroom performance
Reference letters can be submitted electronically through the graduate admissions application
专业要求:Most of our biophysics graduate students completed their undergraduate degrees in physics, chemistry, engineering, mathematics, or biology. Despite this fact, we have admitted students who have obtained degrees outside of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (S.T.E.M) fields.
邮寄地址:The Ohio State University, Graduate/Professional Admissions, P.O. Box 182004 , Columbus, OH 43218-2646 USA