


刚刚更新 编辑: 新西兰 浏览次数:309 移动端






  What kinds of snacks do you like to eat?

  Is it healthy to eat snacks?

  Do your parents allow you to eat snacks?

  What was the most popular snack when you were young?

  What kinds of snacks do children in your country like to eat nowadays?

  Hanging out with friends

  ? How often do you like to hang out with friends?

  ? Who do you usually like to hang out with?

  ? Where do you like to go when you hang out with your friends?

  ? Do you like to go out with a big group or just few friends?

  Being in a hurry

  ? When was the last time you did something in a hurry?

  ? Do you like to finish things quickly?

  ? What kinds of things will you never do in a hurry?

  ? Why do people make mistakes more easily when they are in a hurry?

  Social network

  ? What kinds of social networking websites do you like to use?

  ? Are you a social person?

  ? What kinds of people do you like to be friends with on those websites?

  ? Is it easy to find real friends on a social networking website?

  ? What kinds of chatting app or software do Chinese people like to use?


  ? Do you like swimming?

  ? Is it difficult to learn how to swim?

  ? Where do Chinese like to go swimming?

  ? What’s the difference between swimming in the pool and swimming in the sea?


  ? Do you like (to learn about) history?

  ? What historical event do you find most interesting?

  ? Do you think history is important?

  ? Do you like to watch programs on TV about history?

  ? Do you think you (= one) can (really) learn history from films and/or TV programs?

  ? Do you think the internet is a good place to learn about history?

  ? Can you name a person from history who you would like to learn more about?

  Why would you like to learn more about him/her?


  ? Do you usually write by hand or write using a computer(, typewriter or word-processor)?

  ? Nowadays, how do most people write things?

  ? Do you think computers might one day replace handwriting?

  ? When do children begin to write in your country?

  ? How did you learn to write?

  ? Do you think handwriting is very important (nowadays)?

  ? How can children today improve (or, practice) their handwriting?

  ? What impression does a person's handwriting have on other people?


  ? Would you like to live in the countryside in the future?

  ? What do people living in the countryside like to do?

  ? What are the benits of living in rural areas?

  ? What’s the different between living in the city and living the countryside?


  ? When was the last time you worked with a team?

  ? Do you like to work or study with others or just by yourself?

  ? What’s the most important thing for teamwork?

  ? Do you like to be a leader?


  ? Do you like to take photographs? (Why?)

  ? Do you prer to take photos yourself or to have other people take photos? (Why?)

  ? How long have you liked taking photographs?

  ? How (why) did you become interested in photography?

  ? How often do you take photographs?

  ? In what situations do you take photographs?

  ? What kind of photos do you like to take? (Why?)

  ? Do you prer to take pictures of people or of scenery?

  ? Who do you take photos of?

  ? How do you keep your photos?

  ? Do you keep your photographs on your computer?

  ? Are there any photos on the walls of your home?

  ? Do you frame (or have you framed) any of your photos? (If yes, which? & why?)

  ? Do you prer to send postcards to people or to send photos that you took yourself? (Why?)



  Describe a person who can do well in work.

  You should say:

  Who this person is

  How do you know this person

  What kinds of work this person does

  and explain why this person can do well


  ? Why do young people keep changing jobs?

  ? What kinds of work do you prer to do in the future?

  ? What kinds of work skills are important in China?

  ? Why do some young people prer to be unemployed?

  ? Is teamwork important at work?

  ? Is it easy to find a well-paid job in China?

  ? How should good employees be rewarded?


  Describe a law about environment you would like to see in the future. You should say:

  What this law would be about

  How this law will take fects

  Why it is important to have this law

  and what changes will happen because of this law.


  ? Why do schools make rules?

  ? What's the importance of obeying law?

  ? What can parents and teachers do to help children follow rules?

  ? Is it a good thing to break rules sometimes?

  ? Why do some people say that rules are made to be broken?

  ? Do you think children should follow all kinds of rules?

  ? Do you think it is necessary for children to wear school uniforms?


  Describe a person whose job is important to the society You should say:

  Who this person is

  What job does he or she have

  How you know this person

  and explain why his/her job is important to the society


  ? What jobs are well-paid in China?

  ? What jobs are poorly-paid in your country?

  ? Do people who have different levels of income feel happy about how much they earn?

  ? Do you think students who just graduate should have the same income as old people?

  ? What should schools do to help students survive In society well? Why do people sometimes become bored with their job?

  ? What do you think employers (or supervisors) can do to help motivate their employees to perform better at work, besides giving them a pay raise?

  ? If someone is bored in their job, is it easy for them to change to a different job?

  ? Do you think it’s good to change jobs frequently?


  Describe something you would like to do if you were given a day off.

  You should say:

  What you would like to do

  Who would you like to be with

  Where you would like to do it

  and explain how you would feel at the end of the day


  ? Are people busy in recent years?

  ? What do people in your country like to do if they are not busy?

  ? Do you like short holidays or long holidays?

  ? Do you think modern lifestyles give people enough time for leisure?

  ? Do you think people today have more time to relax than in the past?

  ? Do you think if s important for people to have leisure time (or. time to relax)?

  ? Do old people and young people spend their leisure time (or relax) in the same way?


  Describe a foreign country you want to visit but haven't been to.

  You should say:

  where this place is ;

  what it is like;

  what you can do in this country;

  and explain why you want to visit the country.


  ? Why do Chinese people like to travel abroad?

  ? What can people benit from international travel?

  ? What fects will tourism have on our environment?

  ? Why do people like to travel abroad?

  ? Would you travel around the world in the future?

  What’s the difference between travelling abroad and studying abroad?


  Describe a success in your life.

  You should say:

  When and where this happened

  Who you were with What you did

  and how you felt about the success.


  ? How to measure a person’s success?

  ? Do you think the way people gain success has changed?

  ? How do you dine success?

  ? How to reward successful people?

  ? What's the most difficult thing you have ever done?

  ? What qualities does a person need to have to be successful?

  ? Do you feel terrible when you fail to do something?

  Is failure a necessary thing in people's life?


  Describe a house or apartment you want to live in.

  You should say:

  Where this place is

  What it is like

  When you want to live in there

  and explain why you want to live in such a place.


  ? Do most Chinese people live in an apartment or house?

  ? Do young people in your country like to live with their parents or by themselves?

  ? Do Chinese people like to rent a place to live?

  ? Would you live in a foreign countrv in the future?

  ? How is modern home design (both inside & outside appearance) in your country different to that of the past?

  ? In your country, what type of home do most people live in?

  ? Do people prer to live In modem homes or the older-style homes (e.g.. from 50 years ago)?

  ? How are modern homes different to older homes?

  ? What do you imagine people's houses will be like in the future?

  ? Why do people sometimes move to live in a different home?

  ? Do you think moving to a new home can ever create (or cause) problems for people?

  ? What are the differences between living In a city and living in (a village or town In) the countryside?

  ? Do people (in your country) prer to live in cities or in rural environments?

  ? What are the differences between living in the countryside, compared to living in a city?


  Describe a situation you waited for something.

  You should say:

  Where this place was

  When this happened

  Who you were with

  and explain why you had to wait for it.


  ? Do you think patience is important?

  ? Why is it difficult for children to be patient?

  ? How to teach children patience?

  ? Would you easily feel angry when you wait for a long time?

  ? Have you ever been late for meeting someone?


  Describe a recent happy event that you had.

  You should say:

  When this happened

  What the event was

  Who was with you

  and explain why you felt happy about it


  ? How would you dine happiness?

  ? What kinds of things make Chinese people feel happy?

  ? Do you think people will be happy when they become richer?

  ? Why do some people say happiness never lasts long?

  ? What do you do when you feel unhappy?

  ? Do you think money can make people happy?

  ? Do you think rich people are always happy?

  ? Are Chinese people happier than they were 30 years ago?


  Describe a person in the news that you would like to meet.

  You should say:

  Who he or she is;

  What did this person show up on TV

  How you know this person;

  and explain why you want to meet them.


  ? What kinds of people can be seen on TV?

  ? Do you think there is too much news about celebrity?

  ? Do you think negative information in the news will have negative influence*?

  ? What do people like negative news?

  ? What is usually in the news in China?

  ? Is the information always true?

  ? What's the difference between broadcasting news in the past and in the present?

  ? Do you believe everything said in the news?

  ? What kinds of news are popular in China?


  Describe an art or craft activity you did at school.

  You should say:

  When this happened

  What you did in the activity

  Who you did it with

  and explain how you felt about this activity.


  ? What kinds of traditional handicrafts are there In your country?

  ? Should children learn more about art?

  ? Why do some people think it is difficult to understand art?

  ? What can we do to make young people pay more attention to traditional art?

  ? Do you think it’s Important to cultivate an appreciation of art in children?

  ? Do you think art should be included in school curriculums? (Why?)

  ? How do you imagine that art will be taught in the future?

  ? Have you attended any lessons about art? What have you learned from these lessons?


  Part 1

  Work or studies

  Your Work

  What work do you do?

  Why did you choose to do that type of work (or, that job)?

  Do you like your job?

  Is it very interesting?

  (Possibly) Do you miss being a student ?

  Your Studies

  ? What subject(s) are you studing?

  ? Why did you choose to study that subject? Why did you choose to study those subjects?

  ? Do you like your subject? (Why?/Why not?)

  ? Is it very interesting?

  ? (Possibly) Are you looking forward to working?

  > Do youprer to study in the mornings or in the afternoons?


  > Do you like your name?

  > Who give you your name?

  > What names are most common in your hometown?

  > Do you have any special traditions about naming children?


  > Where did you grow up?

  > What was it like when you were a child?

  > Has it changed much?

  > Would you say it was a good place to live?

  > Would you say your hometown is a good place for tourists to visit?

  > What do you like about your hometown?


  > Can you describe the place where you live?

  > What do you usually do in your house/flat/room?

  > Are the transport facilities to your home very good?

  > Please describe the room you live in.

  > What can you see when you look out the window of your room?

  > What kind of people are your neighbors?


  > Do you like trees?

  > Are there any important trees in your country?

  > Have you ever planted a tree?

  > Do you think more people should plant trees?


  > Do you like to watch the sky?

  > What is the sky like at night in your hometown?

  > Do you like to watch stars?

  > Have you ever taken a course about stars?


  When did you start learning math?

  Do you like math?

  Who taught you math?

  Who‘s your favorite teacher so far?

  Is math difficult for you to learn?

  Do you like to use a calculator?


  > Do you collect anything?

  > How much time do you spend on your collection?


  ? Do you often (like to) listen to music?

  ? When do you listen to music?

  ? How much time do you spend listening to music every day?

  ? What kinds of music do you like to listen to?

  ? What’s your favorite kind of music?

  ? How often do you listen to (that type of) music?

  ? When did you start listening to this type of music?

  ? Where do you listen to it?

  ? How do you feel when you listen to this music?

  ? Do you like listening to songs?

  ? Have you ever been to a musical performance?

  ? Have you ever learned to play a musical instrument?

  ? Is music an important subject at school in China? 、

  ? Did you often listen to music when you were a child? (If yes, give details.)

  . What kinds of music are (most) popular in China?


  Letters & E-mails

  > Do you often write emails?

  > Do you think letters have any advantages over emails?

  > Do you think it's good that some companies send out letters or emails for the purpose of advertising?

  > Who do you usually write to?


  What clothes do you usually like to wear?

  Do / did you wear the same clothes at school and at home?

  Will you change your Clothes when go home today?

  Did you have any special clothes to wear when you were a child?

  Did you like them?


  > Did you like your teachers at primary and secondary school?

  > Did any of your teachers have a strong influence on you?


  > Do you enjoy spending time with your friends?

  > How important are friends for you?

  Nearby shop or market

  > Do you think it is important to have shops near people's homes?

  > Are there any shops near where you live?

  > How often do you go to these shops?

  > What's the difference between shopping in a market and a store?


  > Are there many(or,any) museums in your hometown?

  > Do you think museums are usul for visitors to your hometown/country?

  > Do you often visit a museum?

  > Did you go to any museums when you were a child?

  > When was the last time you visited a museum?

  > Do you think museums are important?

  > Do you think it’s suitable for museums to sell things to visitors?

  Part 2 & Part 3


  >以后想买的东西 :

  Describe something you really want to buy in the future. You should say:

  What it was

  When you will buy it

  Where you will buy it

  And explain why you want to buy it.


  > How has the way people in your country like to go shopping?

  > What kind of advertisement is the most fective?

  > What do you think of advertisements?


  Describe a small and successful company you know.

  You should say:

  What is the company called

  How did you know this company

  What kind of business this company does and explain why you think this company is successful


  ? What factors can affect a company’s development .

  ? Would you work for a small but successful company in the future?

  ? Is it hard to run a company in China?

  ? Do you think online shopping will replace shopping malls in reality?


  Describe a picture or photograph in your family.

  You should say:

  What is in the picture

  Where this picture is in your home

  How this picture was taken and explain why you think this picture is meaningfull.


  Do you like to take picture of yourself?

  Do you think it’s ncccssary school to open photography classes?

  How do people in your country organize photos?

  Why do some people think old photos are more valuable?

  What’s the diffcrcncc between traditional and digital cameras?

  Would you take photography classes in the future?

  Tell some interesting pictures that you have taken.



  Describe a place that can be good to relax (not home).

  You should say:

  where this place is ;

  what it is like;

  how do you spend time there;

  and explain why you think it is a good place for relaxation.


  How do people in China relax?

  What do some students think it is hard to relax even in a cinema?

  What should employers do help their employees relax?

  Is relaxation important to students?

  Which place is better for relaxing, an indoor place or an outdoor place?



  Describe a paid job you ever did or someone you know ever did.

  You should say:

  What the job was

  How did you/ this person find this job

  How long did you or this person keep this job

  And how you feel about this job.


  Is it hard to find a good job in China?

  What kinds of preparation should people do for a interview job?

  Why do some people keep changing their job?

  What should a good employer do?

  Would like to work on weekends?

  How would dine “a good job”?


  Describe a change that will improve your local area.

  You should say:

  What the change is _

  How the change works

  What kinds of problems the change will solve

  and how you feel about the change.


  Do changes always leaded to a positive result ?

  How has your hometown changed in the past ten years?

  Why is difficult for some people make a change in their lives?

  Are there any changes you want to make this year?

  Do you think governments should spend more money in making a city more beautiful?

  What are the disadvantages of people knowing each other in a small village ?

  想重温的旅行 :

  Describe a long journey/short trips you would like to make again.

  You should say:

  Where you went

  Who you went with

  What you did during the trip

  And explain why you would like to make again.


  What do you do bore you start your journey?

  How do you usually plan your trips?

  Do you like long journeys?


  Describe a happy family event from your childhood that you remember well.

  You should say:

  What the event was

  When and where it happened

  What you saw or did

  And explain why you remember this event so well.

  > Describe a typical family in your country.

  > What is the role of mother and father in your family?

  > How to help children become mature?



  Describe a movie you would like to watch again

  You should say:

  What it was about

  When and where you watched it

  Who you watched it with

  And explain why you would like to watch it again.

  Part 3

  Why do fewer and fewer people go to cinema?

  Do you prer to watch a movie at home or in a cinema?

  What would you do if you couldn't understand the language in a foreign film?

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