

雅思阅读: 分析生词种类做到对症下药

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  名词,对各位考生来说是再熟悉不过的了,它充斥在所有用英文书写的文章中,当然雅思阅读文章也不例外。我们先来看一下名词在英文中的定义。What is a noun? A noun is a word used to name a person, animal, place, thing, and abstract idea. 名词是用来命名人、动物、地点、事物和抽象概念的词。正因为如此,名词在文章中的地位不可或缺,可作为主语、宾语、补语、同位语、甚至是定语等,尤其是作为句子的主语最为常见。当考生在浏览雅思阅读文章时,若发现主语、宾语、补语或同位语都是生词时,往往会对整句的句意产生误解,甚至不解。下面我们来看这样一个例子,在剑四中的一篇Alternative Medicine In Australia中,有这样一段:Disenchantment with orthodox medicine has seen the popularity of alternative therapies in Australia climb steadily during the past 20 years. In a 1983 national health survey, 1.9% of people said they had contacted a chiropractor, naturopath, osteopath, acupuncturist or herbalist in the two weeks prior to the survey. 从这段文章中我们可以看到,这8个生词成为了我们阅读的障碍,尤其是出现在句首的主语如disenchantment作为句子的关键成分使考生对整句意思无法透彻理解,很多学生曾向笔者反映一看到这些巨“庞大”的词汇就慌了神,对自己理解句子的能力产生怀疑,从而影响了考试时间和做题正确率。


  下面我们再来看看动词。What is a verb? The verb is perhaps the most important part of the sentence. A verb or compound verb asserts something about the subject of the sentence and express actions, events, or states of being. 动词是句子中最重要的成分,用来对主语动作或事件的状态作出陈述和说明,动词是组成句子中谓语成分的重要部分。由此可见,动词在句子中起了关键的作用,如果考生无法理解动词的意思,那么很可能他就无法理解整句话所要表达的意义。举例来说,在剑四中的Visual Symbol and the Blind中,有这么一段,All but one of the blind subjects assigned distinctive motions to each wheel. Most guessed that the curved spokes indicated that the wheel was spinning steadily; the wavy spokes, they thought, suggested that the wheel was wobbling; and the bent spokes were taken as a sign that the wheel was jerking. Subjects assumed that spokes extending beyond the wheel's perimeter signified that the wheel had its brakes on and that dashed spokes indicated the wheel was spinning quickly. 以上这些动词都表示特定的含义,描述了句中名词的各种状态。而且,文后有三道题目与这个段落有关,如果考生无法掌握适用的方法来理解文中所提到的这些生词,那么在面对考题时,就只能喊一声“我晕”了。


  在分析了名词和动词在文章中出现的频率和重要作用之后,我们再来看一下许多考生会碰到的“一词多义”的情况。众所周知,英文单词和中文词语一样,也会存在一个单词多种意思的情况。如果考生对于词汇不够熟悉,只知其一不知其二的话,那么在特定的文章中就会产生误解。还是来看Visual Symbol and the Blind这篇文章中,All but one of the blind subjects assigned distinctive motions to each wheel. 考生一般所知道的subject是“科目”的意思,程度稍好的考生可能还会了解有“主语”的意思,但很明显,这两个意思在这句话中都无法成立。那么,如果考生细心地去查一下字典,就会发现subject还有“实验对象”的意思,这样一来,在这篇实验性的文章当中,subject就非常好理解了。再举一例,在Alternative Medicine In Australia中,有一句“According to the Australian Journal of Public Health, 18% of patients visiting alternative therapists do so because they suffer from muscular-skeletal complaints. ” Complaint一词对许多考生来说是非常熟悉的,意为“抱怨”,但这句话如果解释成“18%的病人遭受肌与骨骼的抱怨”似乎不太合理,而complaint确实还有另外一个意思,即为“疾病”。因此,一词多义的现象在雅思阅读中也是比较常见的对考生词汇理解产生较大障碍的原因之一。

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