

雅思 英语邮件沟通技巧

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英语邮件沟通技巧 你真的会用吗?下面,小编就来为大家介绍一下英语邮件沟通有哪些技巧吧。

  Email is a daily part of the office life。


  Everybody and every company uses email as a way to communicate quickly。


  This article will cover all aspects of using the email。




  Asking for email address,requesting information through email, sending attachments, emailproblems, reply versus reply all, and other General email sentences。




  1.Asking for Email Address


  -"Can I have your email address?"

  -"What is your email address?"

  -"Do you have an email account?"

  -"My email address is someone at hotmail dot com

  (someone@hot mail.com)."

  -"Do you have his email address?"

  -"What was her email address again?"


  '/'-forward slash(左斜线) ''-back slash (右斜线)

  '—'-hyphen(连字符) '_'-underscore(下划线)


  1.Requesting information through email


  -"Can you send it to my email address?"

  -"You can send it to me through email?"

  -"Can you email it to me?"

  -"Can I email it to you?"

  -"Can I send you the information through email?"

  2.Requesting information through email

  2. 通过电子邮件索要信息

  -"Can I verify your email address? The address I have on file appears to be incorrect."

  -"I am unable to email it to you.Can you tell me your email address again?"

  -"I am getting a mail saying it is undeliverable I might have misspelled it.Can I double checkyour email address?"

  -"The email address I sent it to was someone@hotmail.com.Is this correct?"

  -"I sent the email to someone@hotmail.com.Didn't you get it?"

  -"That's the wrong email address.My email address is someone@hotmail.net."

  -"Oh...I see the problem.My email address is some1@hotmail.com"


  Verify = check on sth, you want to make sure sth is correct。

  Undeliverable 发送失败

  Misspelled = 拼写错误(过去式)

  Double check = check again



  1.Sending attachments through email


  -"I can send you the document through email."

  -"I'll send youthe images to your email account."

  -"Can I send the documents to your email?"

  -"Can I email you the files."

  -"Can I email the files to you?"

  2.Sending atachments through email


  -"I received your email,but I didn't receive the attachments."

  -"My company prevents many types of attachments.Can you send a text file instead?"

  -"Bore you send the document,change the extension .doc to .txt and then send it.When Ireceive it,I will change it back to .doc bore I open it"

  -"Hi Mary I sent you an email with my proposal as an attachment Did you receive it?"

  注意:传输文件格式有问题的时候,你可能会用到上面这几句话;extension 在这里的意思是文件的后缀

  3.Sending attachments through email


  -"The file is too large to send through email."

  -"My email account will only allow sending attachments that are 1 MB or smaller"

  -"My email account will only allow me to receive attachments that are 2 MB or smaller."



  1.Email Problems


  -"My email is getting full. I better delete some old mail."

  -"I better save my emails to my hard drive so I can make some room in my inbox."

  -"How do I request more storage space for my email account?I am constantly running out ofspace."

  -"You're running out of email space too? I have the same problem at least once a month."

  -"I hate getting the mail that I am running low on space."


  make some room 腾出一点空间

  storage space 存储空间

  running out of sapce 就是说快没有存储空间存邮件啦~~

  2.Email Problems


  -"I just started my job so I haven't received my email address yet."

  -"My email account hasn,t been created yet. They said I should receive it tomorrow."

  -"I haven't received any emails in the last four hours. I think the server is down or something."

  -"I think the exchange server is down.Is down. Is somebody taking a look at this problem?"

  -"I can't send anything right now. Is anybody else having a problem with their email?"

  3.Email Problems


  -"It could be a network problem, but my email account is not


  -"I can't access my email right now. I think the server is down."

  -"Who should we contact if we are having email problems?"

  -"I keep getting junk mail in my work account.How did they get this email address?"

  -"How do I prevent junk mail?"


  server 服务器

  junk mail 垃圾邮件


  1.Reply and Reply All


  -"I sent out a mail to the whole group. I requested that they little'r'me with their ideas."

  -"When I receive a mail sent out to multiple people,I keep forgetting to send to all."

  -"Start a mail thread on your idea . I think everyone should get in on this discussion."

  -"Do you want me to start a mail thread for this?"


  When you reply all, it goes out to everyone on the To line (收件人)and the CC line(抄送)。

  Can you copy me on that email you're going to send?

  发邮件的时候如果需要抄送某人,你可以说"I CC'd you"。(我已经抄送你了哦!)在这里CC stands forCarbon Copy


  1.Forwarding Mail

  1. 转发邮件

  -"I can't find the mail about our next project. Can you forward the mail to me?"

  -"I got a usul email on productivity. I think I will forward it to our team."

  -"I'll forward you the mail I got from the manager."

  -"I received a mail from the marketing manager.I don't know what she is asking for.Can Iforward the mail to you?"

  -"One of our clients is asking for more data on the BB project. Who should l forward this mailto?"

  2.Forwarding Mail


  -"My work email is currently down. Can you send it to my personal email address? lt issomeone@hotmail.com."

  -"I'm having problems with my work email account. Can you send it to someone@hotmail.cominstead?"

  -"I'm having problems sending you an email to this account. Is there another email account youhave that I can try?"

  -"Our exchange serveris down for the next thirty minutes. lf this is urgent, you can send mean email to my personal account. lt is someone@hotmail.com."



  1.Auto Reply


  -"I will be vacation until June 4th. I will be on email occasionally, but if you have an emergency,you can reach me at 555-555-5555.For information on financial reports, contact Suzy Mona.Forinformation on quarterly earnings,contact Jim Beam.For other urgent matters, contact BillyMcGale."




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