

惊天魔盗团 Now You See Me双语经典台词(1)

刚刚更新 编辑: 新西兰 浏览次数:365 移动端

  一、当觉得自己看到的越多,你就越容易受骗 Because the more you think you see,the easier it'll be to fool you.

  二、看得越仔细,看到的越少 The closer you look, The less you see.

  三、搞得自己像菩萨一样,只是没那么灵光罢了 Okay, so you're like Buddha, if he wasn't so enlightened.

  四、自大狂妄 用虚假的把戏诓骗世人 if he was arrogant and all of his miracles were fake.

  五、看来很多人都和银行有血海深仇啊 That's a lot of people with a vendetta.

  六、联邦调查局 举起手来 FBI! Hands where I can see them.

  七、瞧他那成天坐着无所事事的样儿 He's just sitting there on his ass.

  八、他在演出时被催眠了 He was hypnotized during the show.

  九、我猜“混蛋”是触发词 I guess that “Bullshit” Was the trigger word.

  十、大男人穿裙子这样的光荣传统吗 in the FBI of men wearing dresses?

  十一、现在 既然你的生理需求得不到满足本着友爱互助的原则你可以考虑一下让我做你的 私人备胎 Now, recognizing that you have physical needs not being met,and strictly in the vein of helping a sister out,I invite you to think of me as your own personal corkscrew.立即咨询

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