


2017/04/05 17:02:02 编辑: 英国 浏览次数:495 移动端




1. 我们是否想要这个学生来学习这门课程?

2. 我们是否想要这个学生来我们的学校学习?













Theology Personal Statement 神学个人陈述(PS)

Religion is based purely upon peoples' willingness to have faith in something which so many others question. Questions such as ‘Does God exist?’, ‘Why would God exist?’, ‘Is there one God or many?’ fascinate me, and I am perplexed by their answers; if answers even exist. I am also mesmerised as to why people place so much faith in someone of whom there is no solid empirical evidence. The Bible, apparent miracles, transcripts, doctrines, manuscripts such as the 'Dead Sea Scrolls', artacts and many other religious elements captivate me.

Attending church from a young age originally sparked my interest and this was enhanced by Philosophy and Ethics lessons, turning interest into passion. Although studying a purely Philosophical and Ethical course at AS level, discussions with my teachers regarding other faiths and religions, such as Buddhism, has led to a broader curiosity in the subject. As a member of Christian Union, I deepened my enthusiasm for the subject and have increased my understanding and knowledge of both the Bible and Christian events, in particular, Christian Theology and its history.。。。。(非完整版)

Sports Science Personal Statement 体育科学个人陈述(PS)

Sport has always been a massive part of my life ever since I started playing football at the age of seven. I have played at many different levels ranging from school football to playing for my league select and representing my region. Football is my main interest, besides the fact I enjoy other sports such as Badminton, basketball, volleyball and many more. I have had experience in these sports having participated in many during physical education at school, a subject which has played a big part in my school career. The things I enjoy about sport are that it needs a lot of dedication and hard work to be successful, as well as sport being very demanding and challenging. As a result in my interest in sport I want to study the subject further in education. I have played sport ever since I was young and still play it now, and still feel so emphatic in wanting to learn more about the subject. Sport being a key factor of my life, being very interested and driven to teach the subject, I am willing to succeed into studying sport further and give back to the subject to what I learned out of it。。。非完整版。。。点击登录查看更多内容

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