本文标题:澳洲留学专业定位:你知道阿德莱德大学所开设的专业都有哪些?有没有你想学的呢?-澳洲留学申请,如今留学的人越来越多,不论高中生、大学生还是读研的学生,都想早日去留学接受好的教育,很多同学对阿德莱德大学开设的专业,澳洲留学申请, 澳洲研究生留学,海外留学,留学申请,留学网的相关问题有所疑问,下面澳际小编整理了《澳洲留学专业定位:你知道阿德莱德大学所开设的专业都有哪些?有没有你想学的呢?-澳洲留学申请》,欢迎阅读,如有疑问欢迎联系我们的在线老师,进行一对一答疑。
高级计算机科学学士(Bachelor of Computer Science (Advanced))
经济学学士(Bachelor of Economics)
高级经济学学士(Bachelor of Economics (Advanced))
化学工程荣誉学士(Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Chemical))
化学与制药工程荣誉学士(Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Chemical and Pharmaceutical))
土木与结构工程荣誉学士(Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Civil and Structural))
土木与环境工程荣誉学士(Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Civil and Environmental))
土木、结构与环境工程荣誉学士(Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Civil, Structural and Environmental))
土木与建筑工程荣誉学士(Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Civil and Architectural))
采矿工程荣誉学士(Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Mining))
软件工程荣誉学士(Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Software))
电气与电子工程荣誉学士(Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Electrical and Electronic))
机械工程荣誉学士(Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Mechanical))
机械与航空航天工程荣誉学士(Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Mechanical and Aerospace))
机械工程与运动荣誉学士(Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Mechanical and Sports))
机械工程与可持续能源荣誉学士(Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Mechanical and Sustainable Energy))
机电工程荣誉学士(Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Mechatronic))
石油工程荣誉学士(Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Petroleum))
石油与化学工程荣誉学士(Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Petroleum and Chemical))
石油、土木与结构工程荣誉学士(Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Petroleum, Civil and Structural))
石油与机械工程荣誉学士(Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Petroleum and Mechanical))
石油与采矿工程(Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Petroleum and Mining))
牙医外科学士(Bachelor of Dental Surgery)
健康科学学士(Bachelor of Health Sciences)
高级健康科学学士(Bachelor of Health Sciences (Advanced))
医学学士与外科学士(Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery)
护理学士(Bachelor of Nursing)
口腔医学学士(Bachelor of Oral Health)
心理学士(Bachelor of Psychological Science)
心理荣誉学士(Bachelor of Psychological Science (Honours))
创新与创业学士(Bachelor of Innovation and Entrepreneurship)
法学学士(Bachelor of Laws)
数学学士(Bachelor of Mathematical Sciences)
高级数学学士(Bachelor of Mathematical Sciences (Advanced))
数学与计算机科学学士(Bachelor of Mathematical and Computer Sciences)
音乐学士(Bachelor of Music)
农业科学学士(Bachelor of Agricultural Sciences)
应用生物学士(Bachelor of Applied Biology)
食品与营养科学学士(Bachelor of Food and Nutrition Science)
理学学士(Bachelor of Science)
高级理学学士(Bachelor of Science (Advanced))
动物科学理学学士(Bachelor of Science (Animal Science))
生物医学理学学士(Bachelor of Science (Biomedical Science))
生物技术理学学士(Bachelor of Science (Biotechnology))
演化生物学理学学士(Bachelor of Science (Evolutionary Biology))
高性能计算物理学荣誉理学学士(Bachelor of Science (High Performance Computational Physics) (Honours))
激光物理与技术理学学士(Bachelor of Science (Laser Physics and Technology))
海洋生物学理学学士(Bachelor of Science (Marine Biology))
矿物地质科学理学学士(Bachelor of Science (Mineral Geoscience))
分子与药物设计理学学士(Bachelor of Science (Molecular and Drug Design))
纳米科学与材料理学学士(Bachelor of Science (Nanoscience & Materials))
空间科学与天体物理理学学士(Bachelor of Science (Space Science & Astrophysics))
兽医生物科学理学学士(Bachelor of Science (Veterinary Bioscience))
葡萄栽培与酿酒学士(Bachelor of Viticulture and Oenology)
环境政策与管理(Environmental Policy and Management)
国际发展(International Development)
国际关系(International Relations)
人文与理科(Liberal Arts and Sciences)
社会理科(Social Sciences)
教育+人文(Teaching with Bachelor of Arts)
教育+经济学(Teaching with Bachelor of Economics)
教育+数学与计算理科(Teaching with Bachelor of Mathematical and Computer Sciences)
教育+理科(Teaching with Bachelor of Science)
音乐(古典声乐)(Music(Classical Voice))
音乐(作曲)(Music(Music Composition))
音乐(音乐教育与教学法)(Music(Music Education and Pedagogy))
音乐(音乐表演-古典)(Music(Music Performance - Classical))
音乐(音乐表演-爵士)(Music(Music Performance - Jazz))
音乐(流行音乐)(Music(Popular Music))
音乐(声音艺术)(Music (Sonic Arts))
计算机理科(Computer Science)
数学与计算机理科(Mathematical and Computer Sciences)
工科(荣誉)(化学-矿物加工)(Engineering (Honours)(Chemical - Minerals Processing))
工科(荣誉)(化学-可持续能源)(Engineering (Honours)(Chemical - Sustainable Energy))
工科(荣誉)(化学-制药学)(Engineering (Honours)(Chemical - Pharmaceutical))
工科(荣誉)(化学)(Engineering (Honours)(Chemical))
工科(荣誉)(土木&结构)(Engineering (Honours)(Civil & Structural))
工科(荣誉)(土木&建筑)(Engineering (Honours)(Civil & Architectural))
工科(荣誉)(土木&环境)(Engineering (Honours)(Civil & Environmental))
工科(荣誉)(土木,结构与环境)(Engineering (Honours)(Civil, Structural and Environmental))
工科(荣誉)(电子电气)(Engineering (Honours)(Electrical and Electronic))
工科(荣誉)(机械与航空)(Engineering (Honours)(Mechanical and Aerospace))
工科(荣誉)(机械与动力学)(Engineering (Honours)(Mechanical and Sports))
工科(荣誉)(机械与可持续能源)(Engineering (Honours)(Mechanical and Sustainable Energy))
工科(荣誉)(机械)(Engineering (Honours)(Mechanical))
工科(荣誉)(机电一体化)(Engineering (Honours)(Mechatronic))
工科(荣誉)(采矿)(Engineering (Honours)(Mining))
工科(荣誉)(石油与机械)(Engineering (Honours)(Petroleum and Mechanical))
工科(荣誉)(石油化工)(Engineering (Honours)(Petroleum and Chemical))
工科(荣誉)(石油与采矿)(Engineering (Honours)(Petroleum and Mining))
工科(荣誉)(石油,土木与结构)(Engineering (Honours)(Petroleum, Civil and Structural))
工科(荣誉)(软件)(Engineering (Honours)(Software))
数学理科(Mathematical Sciences)
牙科(Dental Surgery)
口腔健康(Oral Health)
健康与医学(Health and Medical Sciences)
医学与外科(Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery)
心理科(Psychological Science)
建筑设计(Architectural Design
项目管理(Project Management)
创新与企业家精神(Innovation and Entrepreneurship)
农业理科(Agricultural Sciences)
食品与营养理科(Food and Nutrition Science)
理科(动物理科)(Science (Animal Science))
理科(兽医)(Science (Veterinary Bioscience))
葡萄酒种植与酿造(Viticulture and Oenology)
应用生物学(Applied Biology)
理科(生物理科)(Science (Biomedical Science))
理科(生物科技)(Science (Biotechnology))
理科(能源地球理科)(Science(Energy Geoscience))
理科(激光物理与技术)(Science (Laser Physics and Technology))
理科(海洋生物学)(Science(Marine Biology))
理科(矿业地质学)(Science (Mineral Geoscience))
理科(石油地质学)(Science(Petroleum Geoscience))
理科(兽医学)(Science (Veterinary Bioscience))
研究生建筑学硕士(Master of Architecture by coursework)
建筑学硕士-景观设计硕士双学位(Master of Architecture with Master of Landscape Architecture)
景观设计硕士(Master of Landscape Architecture)
规划硕士(Master of Planning)
城市设计硕士-景观设计硕士双学位(Master of Planning (Urban Design) with Master of Landscape Architecture)
城市设计硕士(Master of Planning (Urban Design))
资产定价硕士(Master of Property)
应用语言学硕士(Master of Arts (Applied Linguistics))
艺术策展与博物馆研究硕士(Master of Arts (Curatorial & Museum Studies))
艺术史研究硕士(Master of Arts (Studies in Art History))
翻译与跨文化传播硕士(Master of Arts (Translation and Transcultural Communication))
环境政策与管理硕士(Master of Environmental Policy and Management)
大气变化适应研究生证书课程(Graduate Certificate in Climate Change Adaptation)
会计与金融硕士(Master of Accounting and Finance)
会计与市场营销硕士(Master of Accounting and Marketing)
应用金融硕士(Master of Applied Finance)
工商管理硕士(Master of Business Administration)
商学硕士(Master of Commerce)
商学研究硕士(Master of Business Research)
市场营销硕士(Master of Marketing)
金融与商业经济学硕士(Master of Finance and Business Economics)
澳际食品与农业经营硕士(Master of Global Food and Agricultural Business)
国际商务硕士(Master of International Business)
国际贸易与开发硕士(Master of International Trade and Development)
会计硕士(Master of Professional Accounting)
葡萄酒商务硕士(Master of Wine Business)
计算机科学硕士-授课型(Master of Computer Science)
计算与创新硕士(Master of Computing and Innovation)
软件工程硕士(Master of Software Engineering)
应用经济学硕士(Master of Applied Economics)
应用经济学硕士-国际经济学(Master of Applied Economics (International))
应用经济学硕士-公共政策(Master of Applied Economics (Public Policy))
经济硕士(Master of Economics by coursework)
教育学研究生证书课程(Graduate Certificate in Education)
教育学研究生文凭课程(Graduate Diploma in Education)
教育研究研究生文凭课程(Graduate Diploma in Education Studies)
教育硕士(Master of Education)
工程硕士(Master of Engineering)
地质统计学工程硕士(Master of Geostatistics)
海洋工程硕士(Master of Marine Engineering)
石油工程硕士(Master of Petroleum Engineering)
石油地质科学硕士(Master of Science (Petroleum Geoscience))
应用创业与创新硕士(Master of Applied Innovation and Entrepreneurship)
应用项目管理硕士-项目系统(Master of Applied Project Management (Project Systems))
应用项目管理硕士(Master of Applied Project Management)
法医齿科研究生文凭课程(Graduate Diploma in Forensic Odontology)
临床护理硕士(Master of Clinical Nursing)
健康经济学与政策硕士(Master of Health Economics and Policy)
微创外科硕士(Master of Minimally Invasive Surgery)
护理科学硕士(Master of Nursing Science)
公共卫生硕士(Master of Public Health)
外科硕士(Master of Surgical Science)
临床心理学硕士(Master of Psychology (Clinical))
健康心理学硕士(Master of Psychology (Health))
织与人因心理学硕士(Master of Psychology (Organisational and Human Factors))
商法硕士(Master of Business Law)
法学硕士(Master of Laws)
音乐表演研究生文凭课程(Graduate Diploma in Music Performance)
音乐表演硕士(Master of Music (Performance Studies))
音乐表演与教学研究生文凭课程(Graduate Diploma in Music (Performance and Pedagogy))
音乐表演与教学硕士(Master of Music (Performance and Pedagogy))
生物技术硕士-生物医学(Master of Biotechnology (Biomedical))
生物技术硕士-植物生物技术(Master of Biotechnology (Plant Biotechnology))
葡萄栽培与酿酒硕士(Master of Viticulture and Oenology)
人文(馆长&博物馆学)(Arts (Curatorial & Museum Studies))
人文(艺术史研究)(Arts (Studies in Art History))
环境政策与管理(Environmental Policy and Management)
文科(翻译与跨文化交流)(Arts (Translation and Transcultural Communication))
计算机理科(Computer Science)
计算机与创新(Computing and Innovation)
数学理科(Mathematical Sciences)
健康经济学与政策(Health Economics and Policy)
临床护理(Clinical Nursing)
护理科(Nursing Science)
心理科(临床)(Psychology (Clinical))
心理科(健康)(Psychology (Health))
公共健康(Public Health)
建筑管理(Construction Management)
景观建筑(Landscape Architecture)
规划(城市设计)(Planning (Urban Design))
会计与金融(Accounting and Finance)
会计与市场营销(Accounting and Marketing)
高等金融学(Advanced Economics)
应用经济学(Applied Economics)
应用金融(Applied Finance)
工商管理(Business Administration)
国际贸易(International Business)
职业会计(Professional Accounting)
葡萄酒贸易(Wine Business)
商业法(Business Law)
葡萄酒种植与酿造(Viticulture and Oenology)
博士:兽医博士(Doctor of Veterinary Medicine)
临床牙医博士(Doctor of Clinical Dentistry)
哲学博士(Doctor of Philosophy)
护理学博士(Doctor of Nursing)
教育学博士(Doctor of Education)
哲学博士和组织与人为因素心理学硕士(Doctor of Philosophy with Master of Psychology)
刘兴 经验: 17年 案例:4539 擅长:美国,澳洲,亚洲,欧洲