


2017/08/13 21:20:44 编辑: 新加坡 浏览次数:930 移动端

  新加坡民众周一默默地哀悼刚刚去世的该国国父李光耀(Lee Kuan Yew)。政府宣布了为期6天的全国哀悼活动。现任总理、李光耀的长子李显龙(Lee Hsien Loong)在全国电视讲话中表示:“我们将不会看到跟他一样的另一人。”详细请看下面的双语信息:

  Addressing the nation in each of Singapore’s national languages of Malay, Mandarin and English,Lee Hsien Loong said: “He inspired us, gave us courage, kept us together and brought ushere. He fought for our independence, built a nation where there was none, and made usproud to be Singaporeans.”


  For many Singaporeans, the coincidence of Lee’s death with the 50th anniversary of thecountry’s separation from the former Malayan Federation has added extra poignancy.


  “To many Singaporeans and indeed to many others, he was Singapore,” the prime ministersaid, pausing at one point to control his emotions.


  Lee Hsien Loong, 63, has run the country since being elected prime minister in 2004, afteroccupying a series of top jobs including finance minister and head of the central bank.


  His father’s death leaves his governing People’s Action party facing an array of challenges. Theyinclude widening income and social inequality as Singapore grows as a financial hub andlocation for Asia’s swelling number of millionaires, and pressure from some quarters for a morepluralist political system.

  父亲去世使李显龙所在的执政党人民行动党(People’s Action party)面临诸多挑战,这些挑战包括:随着新加坡成为一个金融中心和不断壮大的亚洲富人群体的聚居地,收入和社会不平等日益加剧;某些社会阶层不断施加压力,要求提高政治制度多元化程度;等等。

  “The government is wrestling with new policy directions that will affect all Singaporeans,” saidBob Broadfoot, managing director of the Hong Kong-based Political & Economic RiskConsultancy.

  “政府正在为新的政策方向绞尽脑汁,这些政策方向将影响全体新加坡人,”香港政治经济风险咨询公司(Political & Economic Risk Consultancy)董事总经理鲍勃?布劳德福特(Bob Broadfoot)表示。

  The PAP faces a general election either this year or next and is expected to encounter a stiffchallenge from opposition parties that collectively won 40 per cent of the vote at the last pollin 2011.


  The biggest such party, the Workers party, issued a letter to Lee Hsien Loong expressing itscondolences, saying: “His [Lee Kuan Yew’s] passing marks an end of an era in Singapore’shistory”.

  新加坡最大的反对党工人党(Workers party)致函李显龙表示慰问,称:“他(李光耀)的逝世标志着新加坡历史上一个时代的结束”。

  While Lee Hsien Loong lacks his father’s charisma and ruthless political instinct, he has been ahighly competent, generally respected leader whose governing style could not be moredifferent from his father’s stern authoritarianism.


  An avid user of social media such as Twitter and Facebook, Lee Hsien Loong has a consultativestyle that frequently sees him engaging the public in an attempt at dialogue. That builds on asofter style that was adopted by Goh Chok Tong, who succeeded the elder Lee in 1990.

  作为Twitter和Facebook等社交媒体的积极用户,李显龙具有一种集思广益的风格,经常试图与公众展开对话。他的前任、1990年接替李光耀出任新加坡总理的吴作栋(Goh Chok Tong)也采取了比较柔和的风格。

  Lee’s body will lie in state at the country’s parliament from Wednesday until Saturday, allowingthe public to pay their respects. A state funeral will take place on Sunday, followed by a privatecremation.


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