


2017/03/23 09:11:43 编辑: 美国 浏览次数:1541 移动端
通过这段时间的交流,我发现大家对学校和Program都了解得很有限,我那个Communication Program搜索神器也只能是介绍Program和录取的基本信息,对学校文化内涵和底蕴的了解才会使你的PS写的更有针对性、更深刻。所以从本周起,LZ将带大家领略美国各大传媒学院的新闻及特色,让大家更深入的了解Communication programs,找到心仪的学校,同时也为自己的申请材料积累素材,另外还能提高英文啊。 作为首发文章,特为大家介绍LZ母校University of Southern California-Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism 即将在今年8月的秋季学年投入使用的新Building – Wallis Annenberg Building. The USC Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism heralded its role as a leader of a new era of digital media communication and education (Annenberg确实是这方面的引领者,探讨的都是最前沿的趋势,美国这方面的技术、趋势领先国内12-18个月) with an 88,000-squaroot (相当于8,800平米), five-story building in the heart of campus with a design that connects people, fosters creativity and accelerates the school’s path into the future. Already, the school is home to “all the disciplines and professional training students need for today’s digitally converged environment,” (converge强调的是各专业的融合) Ernest J. Wilson III, the Dean of Annenberg said, including journalism, public relations, communication, communication management and public diplomacy. “Wallis Annenberg Hall is the incarnation (这个词眼熟吧,在这是不是用的很漂亮) of this ‘Annenberg advantage.’ All of the spaces have been carully designed to be connectors and not containers, to be inviting and transparent and to encourage those passing by the building to enter, to experiment, collaborate, innovate and learn,” Wilson said. 现在我们就来看看这个新Building神奇在哪里吧! Features of Wallis Annenberg Building

1. Forum

The building will feature an ultramodern interior with a four-story atrium (类似forum), a rooftop skylight (玻璃顶) and a multistory digital media tower showcasing (常用的词,展示的意思) student programming along with social media and live broadcast news. The atrium itself is designed to encourage informal conversation and impromptu gatherings as well as formal events. All over the building, faculty and students will be able to work together in different kinds of spaces — “drop-in” (就是路过即可加入的) student collaboration areas, multi-purpose rooms, meeting rooms, classrooms, open study areas, labs and a laptop lounge.(这个词大家熟悉不?就是一个开放的区域,像机场里VIP候机厅就叫VIP lounge)

2. Multimedia Newsroom

Directly adjacent to the Forum, the architects have placed a cutting-edge (很直观的词,意思是走在时代前沿的,大家可以在形容学校的program时用这个词), collaborative multimedia newsroom, bringing USC Annenberg’s print, broadcast and online student news outlets into one common space for the first time. It will be centered around a converged (从不同方向汇聚而成) assignment desk where editors will monitor multiple sources to produce the day’s news. A state-of-the-art broadcast studio, professional-quality control room, and suites of editing bays and flexible production spaces round out the media center. 这个multimedia Newsroom将为Annenberg各专业学生所用。因为任何传播专业都越来越依赖于数字媒体和社会化媒体! “What we’re realizing as time moves on is everybody—not just the journalism students, but our PR, communication and public diplomacy students too—is using more and more technology and multiple platforms, and more and more social networks, in their academic work and in their professional work,” says Geneva Overholser, director of the School of Journalism. Public relations students will take advantage of the newsroom’s resources, as the profession is increasingly driven by digital video and social media tools.

3. Technology

All of Wallis Annenberg Hall will feature up-to-the-minute technology that is scalable and flexible as new innovations become available. The building will be loaded with full WiFi and 4g wireless capacity, including at least 110 hotspots and no dead zones. Digital monitors throughout the building will stream student programming and instruction material in classrooms. 在庆祝Building建成的Banquet上,leadership的发言可以让大家窥探到Annenberg的精神,对此的领会将对你的PS申请大有裨益。 C.L. Max Nikias, USC President “We are here today in the early stages of a digital media revolution, a moment when traditional concepts of journalism and news-telling are often overwhelmed(这个词很常用,就是搞晕了,太多的信息不知从何下手) by a constant stream of information,” said USC President C.L. Max Nikias, whose daughter Maria earned her bachelor’s degree in broadcast journalism from USC Annenberg in May 2011. Wallis Annenberg has long recognized that journalists must have a deep knowledge of new digital technologies, he said. “That’s why it’s so important for us to have the new building, to house our journalism programs and provide state-of-the-art laboratories and equipment that will allow them to experiment, learn and succeed.” Leonard Aube, director of the Annenberg Foundation (这个Foundation捐了$50 million来建新building) The pace of change in digital news and communication has been far-reaching and overwhelming, said Leonard Aube, director of the Annenberg Foundation. So much so, he said, that (so much so that=so much…that, 这下你知道了个alternative了) “educators might be forgiven for just wanting to curl up in a ball and wait for the revolution to sort itself out.” (Sort out 就是搞清楚、厘清的意思) The crowd laughed as he continued: “But under the leadership of Dean Wilson, USC Annenberg is not waiting and it’s not curling. It’s innovating.” He praised the philosophy of innovation and collaboration that is driving plans for the new building. “In a world where the biggest changes come from the bottom up and not the top down, it makes no sense to limit education to a series of expert lectures,” Aube said. Bottom up and not top down说的就是媒体的变化,不再是专业人员来生产内容了,而是草根来产生内容了。看她接下来肿么说。 The work of the school embodies the goals of the Annenberg Foundation, which looks to fund ideas that will forge paths and be a model for other philanthropies, he said. “We at the Annenberg Foundation couldn’t be more excited about our partnership with USC Annenberg. Together we can move past the old paradigms and change the way we train communications for a fast-changing profession. (这个职业确实是一直在变化,而且快速变化啊) Together we can help create a society that’s better informed, more deeply engaged and more vitally connected to the world around us.” (记住inform, engage, connect这个几个词,就是新媒体功能的浓缩啊)

怎么样?读完了是不是对媒体环境的变化感触颇深?虽然我读的是Communication Management这个还算传统的项目,但还是无时无刻不感受到新媒体的影响力以及Annenberg一直走在变革的前沿。如果你要写PS,记得强调这点啊!

COM 1914 – 2014: CELEBRATING A CENTURY ON THE CUTTING EDGE 100 REASONS TO CELEBRATE 如果说USC Annenberg最突出的特色是始终走在媒体发展的前沿,那Boston University最显著的特点就是在Communication education方面悠久的历史已经丰富的实践资源了。BU – College of Communication网站推出了这个庆祝COM百年的专题。作为一个只有200多年历史的国家,这个可真不可小觑。下面我们就来看看COM在Communication领域的开创性贡献吧。 1913 -1914 The first journalism and advertising classes are offered atthe College of Business Administration. (CBA) 1925 BU launches a degree-granting program in journalism, awarding the first degrees in 1928. 1928 Edward Bernays (Hon.’66), later known as the “Father of Public Relations”, publishes seminal work, Propaganda. (Propaganda的意思就是政府限制新闻自由,只为自己鼓吹的做法) 1939 Radio classes begin at CBA. 1949 Future Professor Carol Hills (‘49) receives the country’s first master’s degree in public relations. 1974 The School of Public Relations (SPR) opens. Principles of Motion Pictures classes are offered in the new Department of Motion Pictures and Visual Aids. 1966 Alfred Hitchcock visits the film department after premiering his film Torn Curtain in Boston. 1974 John Henning (‘63) anchors the evening news at WNAC-TV and goes on to anchor at all major Boston TV networks. (Anchor指的就是新闻节目里播报新闻) Professor Walter Lubars founds AdLab, an advertising agency staffed entirely by BU students. AdLab是全美最大的由学生运作的Ad agency, 也是COM的重要的学生实践资源之一。服务内容包括Traditional Advertising, Interactive Advertising, Viral, OOH, Brand Planning, Account Planning/Consumer Insight and Production。经过40多年的发展,每学期有100多为学生为十余个公司提供专业服务。 1978 SPC opens PRLab, the nation’s oldest student-run publicrelations agency. PRLab由学生运作,服务Boston area的客户,旨在培养学生在PR方面的实践技能。PRLab的structure包括account executives, account supervisors, a vice president and a president.在完成某些课程后的学生即可加入PRLab, 并完成一定量的工作小时数。PRLab向客户提供Strategy, Media Relations, Conversation Mining, Crisis Communication and Event Planning等方面的服务。 1993 Former BU Professor Diana Chapman Walsh (‘71) is named president of Wellesley College. (神一般的Wellesley啊,宋美龄和希拉里的母校啊) Hugo Shong (‘87) helps launch International Data Group’s $50million IDG Capital venture fund in Beijing, Shanghai and Guangdong. Shong haslaunched and published more than 40 magazines in China and Vietnam, includingthe Chinese editions of Harper’s Bazaar and National Geographic. Hugo Shong就是大名鼎鼎的熊晓鸽了,关于他大家google下就知道了。他同时是COM的第一位亚裔董事、年在学院设立“熊晓鸽新闻终身成就奖”、“熊晓鸽亚洲报道年度记者奖”,以及另外两项科技奖学金。 看到了吗童鞋们?这就是我在《解开文书写作之迷思》一文中所说的,AdmissionCommittee 要寻找的人!─ 有潜力为学校扬名、为学校做杰出贡献。这和投资是一个道理,选拔出来一批有才华且学校能帮助其继续成长的人,希冀其中的thecream of the crop能带来极大的投资回报率。所以,你就要通过申请材料展示出你是绝对有潜力的! 2000 The Washington Journalism Center opens. Students go on to cover the Democratic and Republican National Conventions, work for nationalnews outlets and serve as correspondents for media throughout New England. 学生可以申请花一个学期到Washington DC进行实习,是针对political reporting的强有力实践资源。 The Science and Medical Journalism Center is established.Among its graduates are editors at Wired and Discover magazines. (这两本都是非常有影响力的杂志) 2003 COM opens BU in LA, a Hollywood-based study program where students gain experience in film and television production. BU的学生也可以申请到LA实习,纵览东西海岸的媒体文化。 COM establishes its first endowed faculty chair – the Harold Burson Chair in Public Relations – in honor of Burson (Hon’88), founder of the global public relations firm Burson-Marsteller. Otto Lerbinger (‘44) is the first recipient. 2008 Lauren Shuler Donner (CGS'69, COM'71) producer of films including X-Men, You've Got Mail and Pretty in Pink, receives a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. 2010 The BU News Service partners with the Boston Globe to publish student work in communityreporting. 橙色部分均为BU的实践资源,除上面提到的四个,BUTV10是由学生run, supervised by faculty的TV Station, WTBU是Radio Station. 加州Moonlight 编辑整理自:www.bu.edu

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