


2017/03/23 09:11:43 编辑: 美国 浏览次数:1405 移动端


The value of a postgraduate law degree depends to a great extent on the reputation of the university awarding it. An LL.M. from a prestigious law school can enhance career opportunities. One way to assess the quality of postgraduate programs is to consult the various law school rankings. However, a law school’s ranking may not rlect the quality of its LL.M. program, since usually only the regular courses leading to the traditional graduate law degree are taken into account. In many cases students may be well-advised to apply to a law school that may not rank among the highest, but offers an LL.M. in a special field of law, or is known for its high-quality lecturers and instruction. Another factor to consider is the affiliations of a law school, which may provide usul contacts and job prospects upon completion of the degree.

Students planning to study in the U.S. should make sure that the university they want to apply to is approved by the American Bar Association (ABA). This is particularly important for students who intend to earn their degree through distance-learning. Please note that the ABA's approval of a law school extends only to the first professional degree in law (J.D.) offered.

For further information on the quality of law schools, or on the validity of a certain degree, contact your local bar association and your local higher education authorities. In addition, you may want to consult one of the books listed below?



Chicago 需要LSAT成绩

U. Penn



Virginia是否可以转不清楚 听说以前似乎也有过成功的例子

关于法律留学的基本术语(A short list of frequently used acronyms and terms relevant to LLMs.)

ABA – The American Bar Association, a bar association of lawyers based in Washington D.C., which sets widely adopted standards for legal education and professional legal practice in the United States. This organization also provides perhaps the most influential accreditation for law schools nationwide.

ETS – Educational Testing Service, a US-based non-profit organization widely known for producing standardized exams such as the TOEFL, which is a common requirement for non-native English-speaking applicants to law schools in the United States and abroad.

FAFSA – Free Application for Federal Student Aid is a form submitted by students of US universities who are seeking financial aid from the US government. The FAFSA form is designed to ascertain a student’s Expected Family Contribution (EFC), a figure that determines which need-based government grants and subsidized loans a student can apply for.

JD – Abbreviation for the Latin term Juris Doctor, used in the United States to rer to professional law degree that the vast majority of LL.M students acquire bore embarking on their LL.M. degree. Although it is mostly considered to be a postgraduate degree -- completed after undergraduate studies -- it is not actually a doctorate degree as the name might suggest.

Joint Degree / Dual Degree Program - Rers to programs offered by some universities in which students can pursue two degrees simultaneously. Common dual degree programmes include those leading to a combined J.D. / LL.M., or a joint Master’s degree program, such as a combined LL.M. / MBA.

LLB – Rers to Bachelor of Laws, the term used throughout much of the English-speaking world (though not the United States, where the term Juris Doctor is broadly used) to rer to the academic degree leading to professional practice in law. The LL.B is most often a three-year degree pursued after the completion of an undergraduate / bachelor’s degree. Possession of an LL.B. or J.D. degree is a requirement for candidacy for the bar association or law society, and often for participation in an LL.M. program.

LSAC – The Law School Admissions Council (LSAC) is a US-based non-profit organization whose membership includes over 200 US and Canadian law schools. The LSAC administers the LSAT exam. It also operates the Law School Data Assembly Service (LSDAS).

LSDAS – The Law School Data Assembly Service (LSDAS) is operated by the LSAC. The LSDAS collects application material (including test scores, undergraduate transcripts, essays, and letters of recommendation) from law school applicants. The LSAC then compiles this information into reports, which it sends directly to law schools on behalf of the applicant. Some law schools in the United States require that applicants use this paid service. The LSAC also provides an LL.M. Credential Assembly Service for international students intending to apply for LL.M. programs in the United States.

LSAT – Otherwise known as the Law School Admissions Test, the LSAT is a standarized exam the results of which are required for admission into most law schools in North America. LSAT results are currently only required from applicants to J.D. programs, and generally not from applicants to LL.M. programs who have already completed their first law degree.



美国仍然设有法学的学位。常见的有LLM (法学硕士)和JSD(法律科学博士)。LLM学位是为有兴趣进行法学研究的人准备的。一般作为读JSD的预备学位。它的另外的作用是提供给外国的法学毕业生或律师,让他们了解美国法律制度。所以,美国人很少有人读LLM。相反,倒是很多国际学生在读该学位。在实务上,美国现在有一些州开始允许有LLM学位的人参加律考,从事律师职业,但是在实务界只有LLM背景得人仍然很难混。JSD是真正意义的法学博士。这是一个专门为有兴趣搞法律研究的法律精英们准备的学位。在读的JSD学生们很多人都是法律界的成功人士。






具备本科学历的人,不论本科所学的专业是什么,也不论本科毕业后是否从事过法律工作,都可以申请JD学位。申请JD的程序与申请一般美国大学研究生院的学位类似,即填写申请表、递交成绩单(成绩单和推荐信不直接寄往法学院,而是通过美国国内的LSAC( Law School Admission Council,即法学院招生委员会)转寄给法学院)、邮寄推荐信和交纳申请费,并参加LSAT(法学院入学考试)考试。


申请JD者必须准备LSAT成绩、GPA、简历、Personal Statement、推荐信五样东西。其中重要性以LSAT为最,GPA次之,其它三者应该差不多。



六、 入学考试










每个法学院有自己的申请表,申请人可以通过邮件向法学院索取或者在其网站上下载,各法学院的申请表差别不大。申请表除了询问申请人的基本信息,如年龄、性别、简历之外,最重要的就是要求申请人写一篇申请文章(Personal Statement)。通常申请人必须在这篇文章中评价自己,并解释自己为什么要上法学院,篇幅通常不能超过两页。也就是说,申请人得将自己的人生经历浓缩到两页纸中,绝非易事。 成绩单和推荐信 法学院申请表通常会要求申请人提供大学成绩单和一两封推荐信。如果申请人拥有大学以上学历,还要提供与该学历相关的成绩单。大多数法学院要求通过LSAC邮寄成绩单和推荐信,这也是LSAC除举办法学院入学考试外,所提供的另外一项服务。 此外,有些法学院要求未经鉴定的本科学位必须经过指定的国际教育机构进行鉴定。世界教育服务机构(WES)就是这样一个机构,其网址为www.wes.org



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