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  Dine cooperation.

  How to function as a team player in the workplace

  “Cooperationis a person’s ability to sacrifice personal wishes and belis whenevernecessary to assure the department reaches its goals. It is also aperson’s desire to be part of a team, and by hard work and goodwillmake the department greater than the sum of its parts.”

  what have you done that was a little harebrained?

  The only safe examples to use are ones from your deep past that ultimately turned out well.

  “Well,I guess the time I bought my house. I had no idea what I was lettingmyself in for, and at the time, I really couldn’t afford it. Still, Imanaged to make the payments, though I had to work like someonepossessed. Yes, my first house―that was a real learning experience.”

  You have been given a project that requires you to interact with differentlevels within the company. How do you do this? What levels are you mostcomfortable with?

  The first part asks how you interact withsuperiors and motivate those working with and for you on the project.The second part of the question is saying tell me whom you regard asyour peer group.

  “There are basically two types of people Iwould interact with on a project of this nature. First, there are thoseI report to, who bear the ultimate responsibility for its success. Withthem, I determine deadlines and how they will evaluate the success ofthe project. I outline my approach, breaking the project down intocomponent parts, getting approval on both the approach and the costs. Iwould keep my supervisors would expect three things from me: the facts,an analysis of potential problems, and that I not be intimidated, asthat would jeopardize the project’s success. I would comfortablysatisfy those expectations. The other people to interact with on aproject like are those who work with and for me. With those people, Iwould outline the project and explain how a successful outcome willbenit the company. I would assign the component parts to those bestsuited to each, and arrange follow-up times to assure completion bydeadline. My role here would be facilitate, motivate, and bring thedifferent personalities together to form a team. As for comfort level,I find this type of approach enables me to interact comfortably withall levels and types of people.”

  Tell me about an event thatreally challenged you. How did you meet the challenge? In what way wasyour approach different from others?

  The first probes yourproblem-solving abilities. The second asks you to set yourself apartfrom the herd. First of all, outline the problem. The blacker you makethe situation, the better. Having done that, go ahead and explain yoursolution, its value to your employer, and how it was different fromother approaches.

  Give me an example of a method of working you have used. How did you feel about it?

  Give a good example, one that demonstrates your understanding of corporategoals, your organizational skills, analytical ability, or timemanagement skills.

  “I believe in giving an honestday’s work for a day’s pay. That requires organization and timemanagement. I do my paperwork at the end of each day, when I review theday’s achievements; with this done, I plan for tomorrow. When I come towork in the morning, I’m ready to get going without wasting time. I tryto schedule meetings right bore lunch; people get to the point morequickly if it’s on their time. I feel that is an ficient andorganized method of working”

  When you joined your last company and met the group for the first time,how did you feel? How did you get on with them?

  . “I naturally felta little nervous, but I was excited about the new job. I shared thatexcitement with my new friends, and told them that I was enthusiasticabout learning new skills from them. I was open and friendly, and whengiven the opportunity to help someone myself, I jumped at it.”

  In your last job, how did you plan to interview?

  Just give a description of how the skilled interviewer prepares.

  How have you benited from your disappointments?

  Ask you to show how you benited. Note also that it doesn’t ask you togive specific details of specific disappointments.

  “I treat disappointments as a learning experience; I look at whathappened, why it happened, and how I would do things differently ineach stage should the same set of circumstances appear again. That way,I put disappointment behind me and am ready with renewed vigor andunderstanding to face the new day’s problems.”

  What would you do when you have a decision to make and no procedure exists?

  Testing your manageability and adherence to procedures―the company way of doing things.

  “I would act without my manager’s direction only if the situation wereurgent and my manager were not available. Then, I would take command ofthe situation, make a decision based on the faces, and implement it. Iwould update my boss at the earliest opportunity.”

  Give me a balanced view, can you give me an example that didn’t work out so well?

  Requiredto give an example of an inadequacy. The trick is to pull somethingfrom the past, not the present, and to finish with what you learnedfrom the experience.

  What is your greatest weakness?

  “I enjoy my work and always give each project my best shot. So whensometimes I don’t feel others are pulling their weight, I find it alittle frustrating. I am aware of that weakness, and in thosesituations I try to overcome it with a positive attitude that I hopewill catch on.”

  With hindsight, how could you have improved your progress?

  Tellme your mistakes and weaknesses. If you can mention ways of improvingyour performance without damaging your candidacy, do so.

  “Other than that, I don’t know what to add. I have always given it my best shot.”

  What kinds of decisions are most difficult for you?

  Demonstrateyour consideration, analytical abilities, and concern for thedepartment―and for the company’s bottom line.

  “It’s notthat I have difficulty making decisions―some just require moreconsideration than others. A small example might be vacation time. Now,everyone is entitled to it, but I don’t believe you should leave yourboss in a bind at short notice. I think very carully at the beginningof the year when I’d like to take my vacation, and then think ofalternate dates. I go to my supervisor, tell him what I hope to do, andsee whether there is any conflict. I wouldn’t want to be out of theoffice for the two weeks prior to a project deadline, for instance. Soby carully considering things far enough in advance, I don’tprocrastinate, and I make sure my plans jibe with my boss and thedepartment for the year.” "

  Tell me about the problems you have living within your means.

  Best dense is first of all to know that it exists, and second to give it short shrift.

  “I know few people who are satisfied with their current earnings. As aprofessional, I am continually striving to improve my skills and toimprove my living standard. But my problems are no different from thatof this company or any other―making sure all the bills get paid on timeand recognizing that every month and year there are some things thatare prudent to do and other expenses that are best derred.”

  What area of your skills/professional development do you want to improve at this time?

  Another tell-me-all-your-weaknesses question.

  “Well,from what you told me about the job, I seem to have all the necessaryskills and background. What I would really finding exciting is theopportunity to work on a job where…”

  Reiterate one or twoareas that combine personal strengths and the job’s most crucialresponsibilities, and finish with saying, “These areas are so importantthat I don’t think anyone can be too good or should ever stop trying topolish their skills.”

  our application shows you have been withone company a long time without any appreciable increase in rank orsalary. Tell me about this.

  First, try to avoid putting your salary history on application forms.

  “Mycurrent employer is a stable company with a good working environment,but there’s minimal growth there in my area―in fact, there hasn’t beenany promotion in my area since…Your question is the reason I am meetinghere with you; I have the skills and ability to take on moreresponsibility and I’m looking for a place to do that.”




  Dine cooperation.

  How to function as a team player in the workplace

  “Cooperationis a person’s ability to sacrifice personal wishes and belis whenevernecessary to assure the department reaches its goals. It is also aperson’s desire to be part of a team, and by hard work and goodwillmake the department greater than the sum of its parts.”

  what have you done that was a little harebrained?

  The only safe examples to use are ones from your deep past that ultimately turned out well.

  “Well,I guess the time I bought my house. I had no idea what I was lettingmyself in for, and at the time, I really couldn’t afford it. Still, Imanaged to make the payments, though I had to work like someonepossessed. Yes, my first house―that was a real learning experience.”

  You have been given a project that requires you to interact with differentlevels within the company. How do you do this? What levels are you mostcomfortable with?

  The first part asks how you interact withsuperiors and motivate those working with and for you on the project.The second part of the question is saying tell me whom you regard asyour peer group.

  “There are basically two types of people Iwould interact with on a project of this nature. First, there are thoseI report to, who bear the ultimate responsibility for its success. Withthem, I determine deadlines and how they will evaluate the success ofthe project. I outline my approach, breaking the project down intocomponent parts, getting approval on both the approach and the costs. Iwould keep my supervisors would expect three things from me: the facts,an analysis of potential problems, and that I not be intimidated, asthat would jeopardize the project’s success. I would comfortablysatisfy those expectations. The other people to interact with on aproject like are those who work with and for me. With those people, Iwould outline the project and explain how a successful outcome willbenit the company. I would assign the component parts to those bestsuited to each, and arrange follow-up times to assure completion bydeadline. My role here would be facilitate, motivate, and bring thedifferent personalities together to form a team. As for comfort level,I find this type of approach enables me to interact comfortably withall levels and types of people.”

  Tell me about an event thatreally challenged you. How did you meet the challenge? In what way wasyour approach different from others?

  The first probes yourproblem-solving abilities. The second asks you to set yourself apartfrom the herd. First of all, outline the problem. The blacker you makethe situation, the better. Having done that, go ahead and explain yoursolution, its value to your employer, and how it was different fromother approaches.

  Give me an example of a method of working you have used. How did you feel about it?

  Give a good example, one that demonstrates your understanding of corporategoals, your organizational skills, analytical ability, or timemanagement skills.

  “I believe in giving an honestday’s work for a day’s pay. That requires organization and timemanagement. I do my paperwork at the end of each day, when I review theday’s achievements; with this done, I plan for tomorrow. When I come towork in the morning, I’m ready to get going without wasting time. I tryto schedule meetings right bore lunch; people get to the point morequickly if it’s on their time. I feel that is an ficient andorganized method of working”

  When you joined your last company and met the group for the first time,how did you feel? How did you get on with them?

  . “I naturally felta little nervous, but I was excited about the new job. I shared thatexcitement with my new friends, and told them that I was enthusiasticabout learning new skills from them. I was open and friendly, and whengiven the opportunity to help someone myself, I jumped at it.”

  In your last job, how did you plan to interview?

  Just give a description of how the skilled interviewer prepares.



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