


刚刚更新 编辑: 英国 浏览次数:306 移动端


  Can you take instructions without feeling upset or hurt?

  This is a manageability question.

  “Yes, I can take instruction―and more important, I can take constructive criticism without feeling hurt. Even with the best intent, I will still make mistakes, and at times someone will have to put me back on the right track. I know that if I ever expect to rise in the company, I must first prove myself to be manageable.”

  Have you ever had difficulties getting along with others?

  This is a closed-ended question that requires only a yes/no answer, so give one and shut up.

  What type of position are you interested in?

  Sat you are interested in what you will be offered anyway, which is an entry-level job.

  “I am interested in an entry-level position that will enable me to learn this business inside and out, and will give me the opportunity to grow when I prove myself, either on a professional or a managerial ladder.”

  What qualifications do you have that will make you successful in this field?

  There is more to answer this question than reeling off your academic qualifications. Stress relevant work experience and illustrate your strong points as they match the key personality traits as they apply to the position you seek.

  Why do you think you would like this type of work?

  It is usually asked to see whether you really understand what the specific job and profession entails on a day-to-day basis. To answer it requires you to have researched the company and job function as carully as possible.

  What’s your idea of how industry works?

  Just the reassurance that you don’t think it works along the same lines as a registered charity.

  “The role of any company is to make as much money as possible, as quickly and ficiently as possible, and in a manner that will encourage repeat business from the existing client base and new business from word of mouth and reputation.”

  What do you know about our company?

  You can’t answer this question unless you have enough interest to research the company thoroughly.

  Successful--products, services, sales/marketing

  History in community―When started, growth of company

  Good work atmosphere―condition of building, hardworking people, high quality equipment

  What do you think determines progress in a good company?

  You answer will include all the positive personality traits you have been illustrating throughout the interview.

  Do you think grades should be considered by first employers?

  Grades were good, say “Yes.”

  If they weren’t, “Of course, an employer should take everything into consideration, and along with grades will be an evaluation of willingness and manageability, an understanding of how business works, and actual work experience.”

  What is an adequate reward for your forts?

  A glaring manageability question and money probe all in one.

  “My primary satisfaction and reward comes from a job well done and completed on time. The occasional good word from my boss is always welcome. Last but not least, I think everyone looks forward to a salary review.

  What is your salary history? Or what was your salary progress on your last job?

  “My salary history has followed a steady upward path, and I have never failed to receive merit increases. I would be glad to give you the specific numbers if needed, but I shall have to sit down and give it some thought with a pencil and paper.”

  What were you making on your last job?

  What is your current salary?

  “I am earning $X, although I’m not sure how that will help you in your evaluation of my worth for this job, because the two jobs are somewhat different.”

  Have you ever been rused a salary increase?

  It is best to play it safe and explain that your work and salary history showed a steady and marked continual improvement over the years. Y

  How much do you need to support your family?

  The employer will try to get you at a subsistence salary, which is not why you are there.

  How much are you looking for or what are your salary expectations?

  It is wise to confirm your understanding of the job and its importance bore you start throwing numbers around, because you will have to live with the consequences.

  “Well, let’s see if I understand the responsibilities fully…” You then proceed to itemize exactly what you will be doing on a daily basis and the parameters of your responsibilities and authority. “I believe my skills and experience will warrant a starting salary between $x and $x.”

  “That certainly means we have something to talk about. While your range is $30,000-#35,000, I am looking for a minimum of #34,000 with an ideal of $37,000. tell me, what flexibility is there at the top of your salary range?”

  What do you hope to be earning two to five years from now?

  The interviewer is probing your desired career and earning path and is trying to see whether you have your sights set high enough―or too high.

  “I’d like to be earning just about as much as my boss and I can work out!” Then ask “How much is it possible to make here?”

  “In two years, I will have finished my CPA requirements, so with that plus my additional experience, industry norms say I should be earning between $x and $y. I would hope to be earning at least within that that range, but hopully with a proven track record of contributions, I would be making above the norm.”

  Do you think people in your occupation should be paid more?

  “Most jobs have salary ranges that rlect the job’s relative importance and contribution to a company. And those salary ranges rlect the norm for the great majority of people within that profession. That does not mean, however, that the extraordinary people in such a group are not recognized for the extra performance and skills. There are always exceptions to the rule.”

  What are your goals?

  Short term- Training, improved performance, meet company goals

  Long term- Growth within the company



  Can you take instructions without feeling upset or hurt?

  This is a manageability question.

  “Yes, I can take instruction―and more important, I can take constructive criticism without feeling hurt. Even with the best intent, I will still make mistakes, and at times someone will have to put me back on the right track. I know that if I ever expect to rise in the company, I must first prove myself to be manageable.”

  Have you ever had difficulties getting along with others?

  This is a closed-ended question that requires only a yes/no answer, so give one and shut up.

  What type of position are you interested in?

  Sat you are interested in what you will be offered anyway, which is an entry-level job.

  “I am interested in an entry-level position that will enable me to learn this business inside and out, and will give me the opportunity to grow when I prove myself, either on a professional or a managerial ladder.”

  What qualifications do you have that will make you successful in this field?

  There is more to answer this question than reeling off your academic qualifications. Stress relevant work experience and illustrate your strong points as they match the key personality traits as they apply to the position you seek.

  Why do you think you would like this type of work?

  It is usually asked to see whether you really understand what the specific job and profession entails on a day-to-day basis. To answer it requires you to have researched the company and job function as carully as possible.

  What’s your idea of how industry works?

  Just the reassurance that you don’t think it works along the same lines as a registered charity.

  “The role of any company is to make as much money as possible, as quickly and ficiently as possible, and in a manner that will encourage repeat business from the existing client base and new business from word of mouth and reputation.”

  What do you know about our company?

  You can’t answer this question unless you have enough interest to research the company thoroughly.

  Successful--products, services, sales/marketing

  History in community―When started, growth of company

  Good work atmosphere―condition of building, hardworking people, high quality equipment

  What do you think determines progress in a good company?

  You answer will include all the positive personality traits you have been illustrating throughout the interview.

  Do you think grades should be considered by first employers?

  Grades were good, say “Yes.”

  If they weren’t, “Of course, an employer should take everything into consideration, and along with grades will be an evaluation of willingness and manageability, an understanding of how business works, and actual work experience.”

  What is an adequate reward for your forts?

  A glaring manageability question and money probe all in one.

  “My primary satisfaction and reward comes from a job well done and completed on time. The occasional good word from my boss is always welcome. Last but not least, I think everyone looks forward to a salary review.

  What is your salary history? Or what was your salary progress on your last job?

  “My salary history has followed a steady upward path, and I have never failed to receive merit increases. I would be glad to give you the specific numbers if needed, but I shall have to sit down and give it some thought with a pencil and paper.”



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