


2017/06/28 06:40:47 编辑: 英国 浏览次数:2994 移动端


  Top ten burglary(盗窃行为) hotspots(热点,热区) named

  People living in some UK cities face almost double the chance of being burgled as those in more secure(安全的) areas, according to a new report.

  Researchers from insurer Endsleigh found that residents in Nottingham(诺丁汉) are almost twice as likely to make a claim than an average household.

  Leeds(利兹) and Hull(赫尔) were also found to be among other cities where the risk of being burgled is above average.

  Guildford(吉尔富德), Swindon and Dundee are among the most secure places to live, the insurer said.

  The results were collected by analysing burglary claims across the UK over the last four years by people insured by Endsleigh.

  The frequency of claims in different UK towns and cities was then compared to the Endsleigh national average.

  But Stuart Wartalski, of Endsleigh, said burglary rates are falling in the UK, something rlected in recent Government crime figures.

  The places most at risk from burglary were:

  1. Nottingham(诺丁汉)

  2. Leeds(利兹)

  3. Hull(赫尔)

  4. London(伦敦)

  5. Oxford(牛津)

  6. Bristol(布里斯托)

  7. Reading(雷丁)

  8. Manchester(曼彻斯特)

  9. Shfield(谢菲尔德)

  10. Cambridge(剑桥)

  The places least at risk from burglary were:

  1. Guildford(吉尔富德)

  2. Swindon(斯文登)

  3. Dundee(邓迪)

  4. Bath(巴斯)

  5. Coventry(考文垂)

  6. Brighton(布莱顿)

  7. Aberdeen(阿伯丁)

  8. Cheltenham(切尔腾内姆)

  Joint 9. Edinburgh(爱丁堡) and Belfast(贝尔法斯特)



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