


2014/08/23 19:02:51 编辑: 英国 浏览次数:481 移动端

  澳际留学8月23日讯 英国南安普顿大学将于八月底为留学生检查签证材料,对于在南安普顿大学读书的学生来说非常重要,大学将教同学如何办理签证申请。


  We are running document checking drop-in from the 27th of August in the Careers Destination area in Building 37. You do NOT need an appointment.

  These drop-in’s are very usul and will help you to correctly submit your visa application.

  Document checking drop-in will take place in Careers Destination on:

  Wednesday27/08/201413.00 - 16.00 Visa document checking

  Friday29/08/20149.00 - 13.00Visa document checking


  If you are a Pre-sessional B student there is a drop-in at Richard Taunton College on the 28th of August at lunch time.

  Document checking drop-in’s will also take place on the 1st of September in the library 09:00-16:00 in Room 2067.

  It is up to you to try and obtain the correct documentation and supporting information bore your document checking drop-in. If you are successful you will then be able to attend a submission class.


  Some information on what you need to bring to be successful in the document checking drop-in can be found below:

  · Passport(s) and previous travel documents

  · 2 passport photos that meet the strict guidelines: https://www.gov.uk/photos-for-passports

  · CAS email (You won’t receive this until you have passed your pre-sessional course)

  · BRP card if applicable

  · Documents used to obtain offer e.g. degree certificate, transcript or language certificate (all documents must be in English. If they are not then you must provide translations from an accredited translation office.

  · You will need to show that you have enough funds to cover any of your first years’ tuition fees that have not already been paid (as stated on your CAS) in full, as well as £7,380 for your living expenses.

  · These funds need to be in an account where the money is immediately available, and need to be present for 28 continuous days.

  · most recent transaction on the bank statement you provide needs to be a maximum of 31 days prior to the date of application.

  · You must provide either an original version of this bank statement or, if you are using printouts of an online banking account, every page must be stamped by the bank.

  · IF your course requires an ATAS please bring this document with you.

  · IF you are being sponsored please bring the sponsor letter with you.



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