


2014/08/21 14:42:29 编辑: 英国 浏览次数:672 移动端

  澳际留学8月21日讯 爱丁堡大学发布通知,称,已经获得学校有条件Offer的学生,请尽快提交材料换取无条件Offer。如果不及时换取,将造成Offer过期,学校会视为学生放弃入学资格,已获得的Offer会作废。相关具体信息如下:


  You are receiving this message because you have accepted a conditional offer for a place in the MSc in Animal Biosciences at the University of Edinburgh starting in September 2014.

  The time to convert your offer to unconditional and obtain any necessary visas is now limited, as the programme commences on 8 September 2014.

  Since we have a waiting list of people who are keen to join the programme we would like to know whether you are likely to be able to meet the requirements.

  If we don’t hear from you by Friday 22 August, we will assume you are not going to be joining us.



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