


2014/08/08 10:28:25 编辑: 英国 浏览次数:622 移动端

  澳际留学8月8日讯 英国约克大学提醒已经申请的同学补齐学校要求的文件,满足入学要求。同时,同学需要在线接受学校的Offer,这样才有资格申请校园住宿。


  约克大学(The University of York)


  Meeting conditions and accepting your offer

  If you have not yet accepted your offer you can do this via You@York.

  If you hold an offer that is conditional, remember that you must meet any conditions by the start of your course.

  You can upload outstanding documents through your You@York account.

  We encourage you to upload your documents as soon as possible to allow the Postgraduate Admissions team sufficient time to process your remaining condition.

  You will need to have accepted an unconditional firm offer to be eligible to apply for campus accommodation.

  If you have any questions or would like to talk to us about your application, please get in touch with us. You'll find our details below.





  MA in Teaching Studies 教学研究;

  MA In Teaching English to Young Learners 少儿英语教学;

  MA in TESOL 非英语母语的英语教学;

  MA in Science Education 科学教育;

  MA in Language Learning and Education 语言学习与教育;

  MA in Equity Issues in Education教育公平问题;

  MA in Educational Studies 教育学研究;

  MA in Educational Research Methods教育科学研究方法;

  MA in Citizenship and Global Education公民权和全球教育;

  Graduate Diploma in Applied Educational Studies 教育研究。


  英国留学咨询:010-65229780 转 英国部 

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