


2014/07/22 13:46:47 编辑: 英国 浏览次数:1088 移动端



  As the Director of the full-time MA programmes in the School of Education for 2014, I am very happy to be writing to you. We were delighted to receive your excellent application earlier

  this year and we hope you were equally pleased to receive our offer of a place on the course for 2014-15.

  On behalf of the teaching team for the MA, I would like to say that we are very much looking forward to meeting you on Monday September 29. At this particular moment, there are a few reminders from me which I would like to tell you about.

  Firstly, if you hold a conditional offer and you now have the necessary documentation that proves you have met our offer conditions, could you please forward these to us as soon as possible? This should be done using the online application system.

  Secondly, if you hold an unconditional offer and have been asked to pay a tuition fee deposit, this also needs to be done as soon as possible.(详情咨询)

  Obviously, if you have done these things already, we thank you very much for your prompt attention.

  I would also like to draw your attention to some of the things we have in store for you when you arrive. The first week of the course is known as our Induction Week and a provisional timetable is attached to this message.

  You will see that during this week you will have an introduction to the course and how all its components (strands and modules) fit together. On the first day of Induction Week, you will meet the Head of the School of Education,

  Professor Cathy Nutbrown, and the tutors and lecturers who teach on the course. There will be an introduction to the library and to our online facilities and resources (MOLE2). There will also be a presentation from the Careers Departmentoutlining just where the MA might be able to take you next.

  We would also like to inform you of a forthcoming webchat to take place on Wednesday August 20 at 9.00 am British Summer Time. This will be a further opportunity to ask us questions about the course and the University of Shfield.

  We look forward to welcoming you to Shfield in September. For those of you coming a long way, we wish you a safe and comfortable journey.



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