


2014/05/23 10:25:12 编辑: 澳洲 浏览次数:2706 移动端

  澳际教育快讯 澳际留学专家收到最新好消息,澳大利亚八大之一昆士兰大学今年开始接受高考申请申请本科啦!

城市 最低分数线
安徽 540 
北京 550 
重庆 556 
福建 513 
甘肃 503 
广东 594 
广西 541 
贵州 522 
海南 667 
河北 561 
黑龙江 527 
河南 519 
湖北 531 
湖南 557 
江苏 338 
江西 532 
吉林 535 
辽宁 554 
内蒙古 482 
宁夏 484 
青海 435 
陕西 540 
山东 570 
上海 448 
山西 507 
四川 567 
天津 533 
新疆 460 
西藏 480 
云南 520 
浙江 619 


  · Faculty of Business, Economics & Law:

   Bachelor of Business Management

   Bachelor of Commerce

   Bachelor of Economics

   Bachelor of International Hotel & Tourism Management

  · Faculty of Engineering, Architecture & Information Technology:

   Bachelor of Architectural Design

   Bachelor of Engineering

   Bachelor of Information Technology

   Bachelor of Multimedia Design

  · Faculty of Health & Behavioural Sciences:

   Bachelor of Human Services

   Bachelor of Pharmacy

   Bachelor of Psychological Science

   Bachelor of Social Work

  · Faculty of Humanities & Social Sciences:

   Bachelor of Arts (St Lucia)

   Bachelor of Communication

   Bachelor of Education (Middle Years of Schooling)

   Bachelor of International Studies

   Bachelor of Journalism

   Bachelor of Social Science

  · Faculty of Medical & Biomedical Sciences:

   Bachelor of Health Sciences

  · Faculty of Science:

   Bachelor of Agribusiness (Gatton)

   Bachelor of Agricultural Science (Honours) (Gatton)

   Bachelor of Applied Science

   Bachelor of Biomedical Science

   Bachelor of Biotechnology

   Bachelor of Environmental Science (Honours)

   Bachelor of Food Technology

   Bachelor of Occupational Health & Safety (Honours)

   Bachelor of Regional & Town Planning

   Bachelor of Science


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