


2013/10/09 10:42:38 编辑: 澳洲 浏览次数:550 移动端
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  澳际教育快讯 澳际留学专家从澳大利亚堪培拉大学获得最新课程信息,对墨尔本和布里斯班情有独钟的国际学生从2014年2月起,在这两所城市就读也能拿到堪培拉大学的学位。

  据澳际留学专家介绍,堪培拉大学在Holmesglen TAFE 开设了12个本科课程,在Metropolitan South Institute of TAFE 开设了两个本科课程:(立即咨询

  Holmesglen TAFE in Melbourne

专业 校区 学费
Bachelor of Commerce Chadstone campus A$ 21,180 per year
Bachelor of Graphic Design Chadstone campus A$ 27,640 per year
Bachelor of Information Technology City campus A$ 18,190 per year
Bachelor of Interior Architecture Chadstone campus A$ 24,600 per year
Bachelor of Justice Studies Waverley campus A$ 21,180 per year
Bachelor of Sports Management Waverley campus A$ 22,470 per year
Bachelor of Business (Executive Administration) Chadstone campus A$ 15,000 per year
Bachelor of Business (Marketing Management) Chadstone campus A$ 15,000 per year
Bachelor of Fashion (Apparel Engineering and Design) City campus A$ 17,000 per year
Bachelor of Hospitality Management Waverley campus A$ 17,000 per year
Bachelor of Screen Production Waverley campus A$ 17,000 per year
Bachelor of Applied Science in Forensic Studies Moorabbin campus A$ 22,470 per year

  Metropolitan South Institute of TAFE in Brisbane

专业 校区 学费
Bachelor of Fashion (Apparel Engineering & Design) MSIT campus in Brisbane $ 17,000 per year

  澳新留学咨询:010-65229780转 澳新部
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