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澳际教育快讯 澳大利亚悉尼大学发来最新院校信息,悉尼大学从2014年起,本科将开设两门新课程:Bachelor of Food and Agribusiness和Bachelor of Veterinary Biology / Doctor of Veterinary Medicine。
澳际留学专家介绍,Bachelor of Food and Agribusiness (BFAB)学制四年,第三年会有实习;而Bachelor of Veterinary Biology / Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (BVetBiol/DVM) 将取代Bachelor of Veterinary Science,学制六年,学生读完后将被授予双学位。(立即咨询)
Bachelor of Food and Agribusiness
· The Bachelor of Food and Agribusiness (BFAB) is a new four-year degree.
· In this course students will complete majors in Food Science and Agribusiness, as well as a 3-month industry internship, and an honours year.
· The University of Sydney Faculties of Agriculture and Environment, Science, and Veterinary Science, the University of Sydney Business School, and the Charles Perkins Centre, have combined to deliver this specialist program.
· The industry internship in the third year will provide students with valuable experience, as well as a platform to develop and plan their career.
· The fourth year is an honours year, in which students will further develop analytical, practical, and research skills through a research project.
· Agribusiness and the agri-food sector are both growing as the need for healthy and safe food increases globally.
· BFAB graduates will be instrumental in ensuring food businesses remain competitive and sustainable through these changes.
Bachelor of Veterinary Biology / Doctor of Veterinary Medicine
· The Faculty of Veterinary Science will replace the Bachelor of Veterinary Science with the new Bachelor of Veterinary Biology / Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (BVetBiol/DVM).
· Recognised internationally by the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons (UK) and accredited by the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA), the course is a 6-year combined degree.
· Throughout the course, students will be presented with examples of clinical cases and actual problems in veterinary practice.
· The final year of the program is lecture-free as students are assigned into clinical rotations.
· The course will allow students to identify a wider variety of career options as a veterinarian ranging from private practice, to working in industries from pharmaceuticals to livestock production and many others.
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