


2013/06/24 13:02:03 编辑: 澳洲 浏览次数:556 移动端
澳洲教育概况 教育部认可院校 最新院校信息 澳洲签证新政
澳洲高校最新排名 大学专业排名 澳洲留学费用 奖学金申请
硕士留学申请 本科留学申请 中学留学申请 留学规划

  澳际教育快讯 澳际留学专家从昆士兰科技大学获悉,即日起,昆士兰科技大学如下专业不再接受新的申请。如有申请需要的请致电咨询:010-65229780 转澳新部。

  Science and Engineering Faculty

  BN88 Master of Infrastructure Management

  CN89 Doctor of Project Management

  MA65 Graduate Certificate in Mathematical Science

  MA75 Graduate Diploma in Mathematical Science

  MA85 Master of Mathematical Science

  UD50 Master of Urban Development

  PH62 Graduate Certificate in Lighting

  PH72 Graduate Diploma in Lighting

  Faculty of Health

  LS66 Graduate Certificate in Biotechnology

  LS76 Graduate Diploma in Biotechnology

  LS86 Master of Biotechnology

  LS96 Master of Biotechnology (Advanced)

  XN22 Bachelor of Exercise and Movement Science/Bachelor of Nutrition and Dietetics

  Faculty of Education

  ED82 Bachelor of Early Childhood Studies

  ED83 Bachelor of Early Childhood

  ED93 Bachelor of Education (Preservice Early Childhood)

  IX18 Bachelor of Exercise and Movement Science / Bachelor of Education (Secondary)

  澳新留学咨询:010-65229780转 澳新部
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