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澳际教育报道 澳新留学专家从麦考瑞大学校方获得最新的部分课程要求变化,如下:
Summary of Macquarie Course Updates 20121203
Updates | Course | Entry Requirements | CRICOS Code | Tuition Fees | Notes |
New Courses 新课程 | Master of Accounting (Professional)/Master of Commerce (2 years) |
Australia Bachelor Degree or recognized equivalent. Minimum GPA2.7 澳大利亚本科或同等学历,GPA2.7 |
077955A | $30752 | All specialisations under Master of Commerce are available; two new specialisations are available under Master of Commerce in 2013: Corporate Governance & Financial Crime and Governance 学生可以选所有Master of Commerce 下的专业; 2013年 Master of Commerce 下新增两个专业:公司管治,金融犯罪和管治 |
Master of International Business/Master of International Communications (2 years) |
Australia Bachelor Degree or recognized equivalent. Minimum GPA2.7 澳大利亚本科或同等学历,GPA2.7 |
077957K | $30752 | ||
Master of Engineering Management (1 year) | Australia Bachelor Degree or recognized equivalent. Minimum GPA2.7 澳大利亚本科或同等学历,GPA2.7 | 077957K | $30752 | ||
Master of Engineering Management (1 year) | Australian bachelor degree or recognized equivalent in engineering. Minimum two years of relevant work experience. 澳大利亚工程专业本科或同等学历,至少两年工作经验 | 077148K | $26592 | ||
Master of Advanced Professional Accounting (1.5 years) | Australia Bachelor Degree or recognized equivalent in accounting. Minimum GPA2.7 澳大利亚本科或同等学历,GPA2.7 | Pending | $30752 | Eligible for admission to the CPA program CPA准入课程 | |
Bachelor of Engineering (Mechanical) | ATAR 78 | 047326A | $30480 | Chinese High Education Examination Score 500 中国高考成绩500分 | |
Entry Requirements Changes | Master of Teaching/Bachelor of Teaching | English entry requirements have changed to IELTS 7.5, Speaking and Listening 8, Writing and Reading 7 英语入学要求总分7.5,听说不低于8,写读不低于7 | 058390B/074077M | $27616/$27240 | Package offers are available for students who have not met entry requirement. 没有达到语言入学要求的学生可以配语言申请打包通知书 |
Others 其他 | 3 weeks Intensive Preparation Program 3周语言密集准备课程 | Overall 6.5 in IELTS. One of the Listening or Speaking or Reading score may be 5.5. The writing score should be 6.0.The score that is 5.5 corresponds to the module in IELTS Master that students will be required to complete bore starting the IPP course. 学生雅思总分6.5,写作不低于6,其他三个单项不低于5.5只需配3周密集课程就可进入正式课程学习。对于低于6的单项,学生须在密集课程前需完成相关的模块学习。 | $2000 | Successful completion of IPP gives students automatic entry into their degree at Macquarie University in Session 1, 2013 without the need to sit a new IELTS, or any other English language, test. 完成密集课程,学生无需再考雅思或其他语言考试,可直接升入2013年第一学期正式课程。 |
Amy GUO 经验: 17年 案例:4539 擅长:美国,澳洲,亚洲,欧洲