


2016/01/08 17:04:19 澳际教育 编辑: 浏览次数:1183 移动端
建筑类的不同专业:建筑学(Architecture)、建筑史(Architectural History)、建筑研究(Architectural Studies)、社区和地区规划(Community and Regional Planning)、历史保护(Historic Preservation)、景观建筑学(Landscape Architecture),可持续设计,大都市设计,城市规划和设计
M Arch 3+ and 2+ Year applicants: A one-page statement of purpose should clearly articulate your goals and the extent to which the M.Arch. program can be expected to prepare you for them. Although this statement should be primarily forward-looking, some information about your background may be helpful.
M Arch 1+ Year applicants: The statement of purpose must include a specific and clearly-articulated plan of study. Applications who do not include a clear plan of study cannot be evaluated seriously. This statement should also include a list of faculty in the department who are best qualified to work with you on the program of study. The Graduate Program Coordinator will ask the faculty on this list, and others who can comment on the proposal, to evaluate the application. In order to be admitted to the program, it is essential for candidates to gain the support of faculty who share academic interests with them.

1. 作品集的内容:

design studio work, sketches, free hand drawings, construction drawings, photos of architectural models, and digital models and drawings, sketching, conceptional drawings, construction details, 徒手速写,意念草图,平面图,透视图,电脑模拟,人工/电脑渲染,结构细图,素描,水彩,绘图,雕塑,透视,木工,石工。
2. 文书的重要性:正如弗吉尼亚理工大学所说:The statement of purpose is a critical component of any application to the MLA program.
3. 深入了解中国建筑,可以通过 梁思成与林徽因的纪录片,了解下中国的源远流长的建筑历史


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