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原题:The table below shows the medical care in 3 European countries in the years between 1980 and 2000.

The given chart illustrates how the conditions of medical care changed during the two decades from 1980 to 2000 in three European nations, namely Austria, France and Sweden.

The number of doctors represented a steady uptrend in all the nations. Specifically, the figure for France ranked the top throughout the period, increasing from 1.8 per 1000 people to 2.6, while that for Sweden stayed at the bottom, which ascended from 1.5 to 2.2.

As to beds in the wards, a downward trend can be seen in both France and Sweden. To be exact, there was an initial rise from 18 to 20 (identical to that of Austria in the same year of 1990) and a following fall to 16 beds in France, whereas that for Sweden almost halved from 22 to the fewest of 12 beds. However, the opposite was true in Austria during the entire period, from 19 to 23.

Patients had to spend shorter time in the ward throughout the states, with the numbers for Sweden and France plunging by a larger scale, from the longest duration of 23 days to the shortest of 8 days in Sweden and from 18 to 9 in France respectively. Meanwhile, Austria experienced a relatively modest drop, from 20 to 14.

All in all, generally speaking, the 20-year period witnessed a growth in the number of physicians but a plummet in the figures of beds and time required in these nations except Austria, where more beds had to be provided to patients.

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