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发音规则1:辅音+元音 一句话(短语)中相邻的两个单词,前一个单词以辅音结尾,后一个单词以元音开始,拼读成“辅音+元音”。 1.far~away, It's not far~away from here. 2.in~an~hour, I should be there in~an~hour. 3.later~on, I'm going to see a movie later~on . 4.put~it~on, Here's your sweater. Put~it~on. 5.stand~up, Stand~up and stretch for a while. 6.take~care~of, I'll always take care~of you . 7.take~it~easy, Take~it~easy! Everything is going to be fine. 8.take~off, Please fasten your seat belt. we will take~off shortly. 9.there~are, There~are forty students in my class. 10.work~out, I work~out every day to keep fit. 句子练习: 1.come~on!cheer~up! 2.keep~it~up! 3.never give~up! 4.I mean~it. 5.I've got~a lot~of work to do. 6.May I have~a cup~of milk? 7.What do you think~of~it? 发音规则2:元音+元音 一句话(短语)中相邻的两个单词,前一个单词以元音结尾,后一个单词以元音开始,则在两个元音之间加上一个轻微的 [j] 或 [w] 的音,拼读成“元音+ [j] 或 [w] +元音”。

[i:]或[eɪ]结尾的元音+[j]+元音 1、see us→see [j] us Come and see~us again soon. 2、be over→be [j] over It will be~over soon. 3、be able→be [j] able Will you be~able to come tomorrow? 4、say it →say [j] it Could you say~it again please? 5、pay Ann →pay [j] Ann Please pay~Ann her salary. 以[u:]或 [əʊ] 结尾的元音+[w]+元音 1、do it→do [w] it Don't do~it again. 2、go up→go [w] up Let's go~upstairs and have dinner. 3、show us→show [w] us Can you show~us something else. 注:元音与元音的连音是一种自然滑过后带出来的音。当你的发音接近流利时,你会发现不用刻意去发 [j] 和 [w] 就可以有效果,所以尽管放松地去练习,模仿是第一老师。 发音规则3 省略【h】的连读 在连音规则中,以“h”开头的单词 [h] 音近乎省略。因为 [h] 发音很特殊——只是出气没有摩擦,所以拼读时好像被省略了。 1、Does~he know? 2、What~happened? 3、Please give~him a hand! 发音规则4 音的同化 辅音[d]与[j]相邻时,被同化为[dэ]:Would you, find you, send you 辅音[t]与[j]相邻时,被同化为[t∫]: Can’t you, bite you, taught you 辅音[s]与[j]相邻时, 被同化为[∫]: Miss you, kiss you 发音规则5 音的浊化 1英音美音除儿化音,另一个特点是浊化,[t] 在单词的中间被浊化成[d] Water, letter, writer, better, bottle 2[s]后面的字母若原本应发[t], [k], [p],[tr]的清辅音,则对应地变成发[d], [g], [b],[dr]的浊辅音.条件:【s】后面有【元音】且为重读音节。如果【s】音后面无原因则不浊化。 School, stand, student, stop, expensive, experiment, score, stupid, staff, sky, skirt, sport, strike, strong, stranger, still, spider 反例:ask, excuse, basket, first,


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