

澳洲Business & Management专业申请介绍

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澳洲商科类专业(Business)一直以来也是广大留学生心头好,本科和硕士项目都受到青睐。之前已经单独介绍过澳洲会计和金融相关专业信息,接下来的系列为大家介绍一下澳洲八大名校其他的商科类专业,首先按分类从Business & Management开始吧。

Business & Management

University of Melbourne

Master of Business Analytics

学制:1 year



Master of Commerce (Management)

Master of Enterprise

Master of Entrepreneurship

Master of International Business

Master of Management

Master of Management (Human Resources)

Master of Supply Chain Management

学制:1-2 years



University of New South Wales

Master of Commerce

Master of Technology and Innovation Management

Master of Information Systems Management

Master of International Business

学制:1.5-2 years



Monash University

Master of Business

Master of Business Law

Master of Human Resource Management

Master of International Business

Master of Management

学制:1-2 years

申请要求:本科学位;WAM of 55%(同等GPA);部分专业需2年以上工作经验


University of Sydney

Master of Commerce

Master of Human Resource Management and Industrial Relations

Master of International Business

Master of Logistics and Supply Chain Management

Master of Management

学制:1-2 years

申请要求:本科学位,相关专业背景,WAM of 65%(同等GPA);GPA不够建议提供630+GMAT成绩;非相关专业要求相关工作经验


Australian National University

Master of Commerce

Master of Business Information Systems

Master of International Management

Master of Entrepreneurship and Innovation

Master of Project Management

Master of Leadership

学制:2 years



University of Queensland

Master of Business

Master of Commerce

Master of Global Management

Master of Governance and Public Policy

Master of International Relations

Master of Leadership in Global Development

Master of Project Management

Master of Technology and Innovation Management

Master of Tourism, Hotel and Event Management

Master of Tourism Leadership

学制:1-2 years

申请要求:本科学位;GPA4.5-5.25/7.0以上;基本都要本科为同专业或者其相关专业;部分专业对工作经验要求较高;Global Management专业要求提供GMAT成绩

英语要求:雅思6.5分,单项不低于6分;雅思7分,口语、写作6.5分,听力、阅读6分(Global Management专业)

University of Western Australia

Master of Business Information and Logistics Management

Master of Commerce

Master of Commercial and Resources Law

Master of Ecotourism

Master of Human Resources and Employment Relations

Master of International Commercial Law

Master of International Development

Master of International Relations

学制:1.5-2 years

申请要求:本科学位,WAM of 60%(同等GPA);若GPA达不到需要提供GMAT成绩或者至少5年相关工作经验


University of Adelaide

Master of Agribusiness

Master of Commerce

Master of International Business

Master of International Trade and Development

学制:1.5-2 years



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