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  华威大学(The University of Warwick),全球百强名校,英国顶尖研究型大学,华威大学商学院也是英国商学院中排名前十的知名商学院。下面来看看商学院有哪一些专业。



  2)Postgraduate Courses: Frequently Asked Questions 研究生课程申请常见问题 FAQ

  Q:How do I apply?如何申请

  A:You can apply online. You can find guidance on the University's admissions process here. 在线申请

  Is there an application deadline?有没有申请截止时间?

  There is no official deadline for applications, as we operate a rolling admissions system. Some of our courses are very popular and have been oversubscribed in the past. We would therefore recommend that you apply early, in order to avoid disappointment.


  Can I apply for more than one Masters course?可以提交1个以上专业吗

  You are able to apply to more than one course but must do so on separate application forms and so must pay an application fee for each. You only need to upload one set of supplementary documents with each of your applications. We would however recommend that you tailor each Statement of Purpose specifically for every course for which you have applied.


  Who should I use as my referees?谁可以做我的推荐人

  If you graduated within the last two years, you will need to supply two academic references. These can be from anybody who has taught or tutored you during your University education. If you graduated over two years ago, we will normally accept either one professional and one academic reference, or two professional references.

  毕业2年以内的学生,需要2封学术推荐信,即推荐人需要是教授过学生的老师。如果是毕业2年以上,可以一封学术一封工作的推荐信,也可以2个都是工作的推荐信。 即推荐人可以是工作的推荐人2个,或者是一个是学校老师,另外一个推荐人是工作中的推荐人。

  How long does it take to receive a decision?大概多久出结果

  The normal timescale for processing applications is between 4 and 8 weeks, assuming that the application is complete with all supporting documents and you have paid the application fee.


  Do you have more than one intake?有几次开学

  No. We only have one intake per year for our masters courses, which will be in either in September or October.



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