


2016/10/31 13:59:09 澳际教育 编辑: 浏览次数:1336 移动端
外科医生Surgeon,以平均年薪 $375,097澳元,占据各个州的榜首,成为澳洲收入最高的职业。而麻醉师anaesthetists和专业医师specialist physicians,分别以$331,867和 $279,022排名第二和第三。另外,执行官Chief executives和管理者managing directors则成为前十名中人数最多的团体,一共有153,841名。


以下是澳洲各州最高收入的职业 :




1. Surgeons: $331,793  外科医生

2. Anaesthetists: $319,942  麻醉师

3. Specialist Physicians: $279,183  专科医师

4. Psychiatrists: $220,642  精神病科医生

5. Judicial and Other Legal Professionals: $199,254司法或者其他法律职业

6. Other Medical Practitioners: $182,570  其他医生

7. Dental Practitioners: $173,676  牙医

8. Financial Dealers: $148,877  金融交易者

9. Chemists, and Food and Wine Scientists: $148,035化学、食物和红酒科学家

10. Chief Executives and Managing Directors: $139,545执行官和管理者



1. Surgeons: $363,964  外科医生

2. Anaesthetists: $329,104  麻醉师

3. Specialist Physicians: $303,047  专业医师

4. Psychiatrists: $212,332   精神病科医生

5. Judicial and Other Legal Professionals: $199,940  司法或者其他法律职业

6. Other Medical Practitioners: $177,344  其他医生

7. Mining Engineers: $156,016  采矿工程师

8. Financial Dealers: $148,348  金融交易

9. Generalist Medical Practitioners: $142,085  普通全科医生

10. Chief Executives and Managing Directors: $139,062  执行官和管理者




1. Surgeons: $304,398  外科医生

2. Anaesthetists: $303,253  麻醉师

3. Financial Dealers: $285,007  金融交易者

4. Specialist Physicians: $266,906  专业医师

5. Judicial and Other Legal Professionals: $216,049  司法或者其他法律职业

6. Psychiatrists: $200,646  精神病科医生

7. Chief Executives and Managing Directors: $184,624  执行官和管理者

8. Other Medical Practitioners: $170,835  其他医生

9. Finance Managers: $155,873   财务管理

10. Economists: $153,580  经济学家




1. Surgeons: $449,330  外科医生

2. Anaesthetists: $327,049  麻醉师

3. Specialist Physicians: $224,485  专科医师

4. Judicial and Other Legal Professionals: $224,043  司法或者其他法律职业

5. Psychiatrists: $220,620  精神病科医生

6. Dental Practitioners: $185,124  牙医

7. Other Medical Practitioners: $174,026  其他医疗人员

8. Mining Engineers: $170,232  采矿工程师

9. Chemical and Materials Engineers: $169,780  化学和材料工程师

10. Engineering Managers: $167,300  工程部管理




1. Surgeons: $427,543  外科医生

2. Anaesthetists: $362,538  麻醉师

3. Specialist Physicians: $319,014  专业医师

4. Psychiatrists: $217,455  精神病科医生

5. Judicial and Other Legal Professionals: $202,416  司法或者其他法律职业

6. Other Medical Practitioners: $195,345   其他医生

7. Mining Engineers: $165,804  采矿工程师

8. Engineering Managers: $159,113  工程管理

9. Generalist Medical Practitioners: $146,641  普通全科医生

10. Financial Dealers: $145,258  金融交易




1. Surgeons: $431,322  外科医生

2. Specialist Physicians: $298,327  专业医师

3. Anaesthetists: $276,791  麻醉师

4. Judicial and Other Legal Professionals: $214,661  司法或者其他法律职业

5. Other Medical Practitioners: $199,219  其他医生

6. Psychiatrists: $196,401  精神病科医生

7. Dental Practitioners: $176,524  牙医

8. Mining Engineers: $142,027  采矿工程师

9. Generalist Medical Practitioners: $139,704  普通全科医生

10. Consultant – financial investment: $134,559 咨询顾问-金融投资




1. Surgeons: $368,863  外科医生

2. Anaesthetists: $335,907  麻醉师

3. Specialist Physicians: $249,395  专科医师

4. Financial Dealers: $201,466  金融交易

5. Judicial and Other Legal Professionals: $200,822  司法或者其他法律职业

6. Other Medical Practitioners: $178,208 其他医生

7. Psychiatrists: $168,336  精神病科医生

8. Chief Executives and Managing Directors: $164,008  执行官和管理者

9. Mining Engineers: $150,635采矿工程师

10. Economists: $139,808经济学家




1. Surgeons: $475,058  外科医生

2. Anaesthetists: $350,341  麻醉师

3. Specialist Physicians: $322,402  专科医师

4. Psychiatrists: $237,756  精神病科医生

5. Medical Practitioners – type not specified: $234,856医疗人员-未指定类型

6. Other Medical Practitioners: $212,750  其他医生

7. Engineering Managers: $201,359  工程管理  

8. Mining Engineers: $185,800  采矿工程师

9. Chief Executives and Managing Directors: $185,281  执行官和管理者

10. Judicial and Other Legal Professionals: $183,958  司法或者其他法律职业





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