


2016/08/18 11:21:24 澳际教育 编辑: 浏览次数:1582 移动端
1.基础技能课程(Core Technical Stage)
新科目 对应旧科目 考试科目 考试时间
CT1 Financial Mathematics(金融数学) 102 3小时
CT2 Finance and Financial Reporting(财务报告分析) 108 3小时
CT3 Probability and Mathematical Statistics(概率统计) 101 3小时
CT4 Models(模型) 103&104 3小时
CT5 Contingencies(或有事件) 105 3小时
CT6 Statistical Methods(统计模型) 106 3小时
CT7 Economics(经济学) 107 3小时
CT8 Financial Economics(金融经济学) 109 3小时
CT9 Business Awareness(商务必备)
CT9 Business Awareness(商务必备)主要涉及对相关行业背景知识的了解,具体的内容将在以后披露。英国精算学会规定,在2004年6月30日之前注册,并参加过考试的学生会员对该课程不做要求。
2.基础应用课程(Core Applications Stage)
新科目 对应旧科目 考试科目 考试时间
CA1 Actuarial risk management (精算风险管理) 301,302 or 303 or 304 3+3小时
CA2 Modelling course(模型设计)
CA3 Communications(交流技能)(命题论文写作) 201 -
CA3 Communications - Chinese(交流技能)


3.专项技能课程(Specialist Technical Stage)
新科目 对应旧科目 考试科目 考试时间
ST1 Health and Care (健康及医疗保险)
ST2 Life Insurance (寿险) 302 3小时
ST3 General Insurance (非寿险) 303 3小时
ST4 Pensions and other Benefits (养老金) 304 3小时
ST5 Finance and Investment A (财务及投资A) 305 3小时
ST6 Finance and Investment B (财务及投资B) CID 3小时
ST7 General insurance: reserving and capital modelling (非寿险:风险准备金和资产模型)

ST8 General insurance: pricing (非寿险:定价)

ST9 Enterprise risk management (企业风险管理)

4.专项应用课程Specialist Applications Stage (SA)
新科目 对应旧科目 考试科目 考试时间
SA0 Reserach dissertation (not examined) (研究论文)
SA1 Health and care (健康及医疗保险)
SA2 Life insuance (寿险)
SA3 General insurance (非寿险)
SA4 Pension and other benefits (养老金)
SA5 Finance (金融)
SA6 Investment (投资)


1.精算技能证书Diploma in Actuarial Techniques
需要通过以下科目: CT1, CT2, CT3, CT4, CT5, CT6, CT7, CT8 and CT9.
2.财务与投资技能证书Certificate in Finance and Investment
需要通过以下科目: CT1, CT2, CT4, CT7, CT8, CT9 and CA1
需要通过以下科目: CT系列9门、CA系列3门
需要通过以下科目: CT系列9门、CA系列3门,ST系列选2门,SA系列选1门。
1. CASS商学院
MSc in Actuarial Science
A UK 2.1 or above (or the equivalent from an overseas institution) in a highly quantitative programme such as mathematics or statistics is required to enter this course
The required IELTS level is an average of 7.0 with a minimum of 6.5 in writing.(雅思可后补交)
MSc in Actuarial Management
A UK 2.1 or above and/or a Masters Degree/Postgraduate Diploma (from a UK university or equivalent) in a related subject and already covered the fundamentals of actuarial science at university degree or professional level.
As part of the application procedure, we may ask you to attend an interview with the Course Director.
The required IELTS level is an average of 7.0 with a minimum of 6.5 in writing.
2. Southampton 南安普顿大学
MSc Actuarial Science
First or upper second-class honours degree or equivalent, in a quantitative subject (mathematics, statistics, economics, etc)
IELTS score of at least 6.5 overall, with at least 6 in each component.
3. Manchester 曼彻斯特大学
Actuarial Science MSc
The entry requirement to the programme is normally a good upper second class honours degree in Mathematics/Statistics, a Science degree with a strong quantitative component, a subject with a substantial mathematical content, or an equivalent overseas qualification in a mathematical subject.  In particular, knowledge of probability and statistics equivalent to good second year undergraduate Mathematics degree level is required for entry to the programme.
Students whose first language is not English require a minimum score of IELTS 6.5 with at least 6.0 in writing and 5.5 in each other component. 
4. Kent 肯特大学
MSc Applied Actuarial Science
A good first degree in Actuarial Science, or a degree that covers all or most of the Core Technical Stage subjects of the Institute and Faculty of Actuaries’ examinations. We may also accept applicants who have a good first degree in another subject and who have passed most of the Core Technical Stage subjects(基础技能课程).
6.5 IELTS (with a minimum of 6.0 in each component)
5.Heriot-Watt 赫瑞瓦特大学
MSc Actuarial Science
The programme is primarily intended for graduates with a strong mathematical background. Our normal minimum entry requirement is the equivalent of a UK 2.1 degree in mathematics, statistics or a related discipline with a high mathematics or statistics content.
The minimum requirement for English language is IELTS 6.5 or equivalent.
MSc Actuarial Management
Entry requires a strong Bachelors or Masters degree with a substantial actuarial content and covering a sufficient number of the Core Technical subjects CT1 to CT8 of the professional actuarial examinations.  
If you have not already passed most or all of the Core Technical subjects (CT1 to CT8) then please refer to our MSc in Actuarial Science. 
The minimum requirement for English language is IELTS 6.5 or equivalent.
MSc Actuarial Sciences
At least a 2:1 classification in a relevant first degree. We expect a certain prerequisite knowledge of probability and calculus; this means students will typically be Mathematics, Statistics or Physics graduates. We will consider graduates from other disciplines on an individual basis.
     IELTS 6.0
     本科80分以上(75% maybe accepted from good universities)


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