


2016/03/16 16:05:35 澳际教育 编辑: 浏览次数:961 移动端
Carnegie Mellon University 卡耐基梅隆大学

Masters in Biotechnology and Management program (MSBTM)——The School of Public Policy and Management。公共政策与管理学院下面的生物技术与管理项目。

CMU’s MSBTM is a partnership among the Tepper School of Business, the Mellon College of Science, and Heinz College's School of Public Policy and Management. Unlike some universities, which host their biotechnology programs and degrees in schools of engineering or science, the CMU MSBTM degree is a truly interdisciplinary program that ensures an equally balanced, yet in-depth emphasis on business and science.

卡梅的MSBTM跟Tepper商学院,Mellon学院和Heinz 公共政策与管理学院都有合作关系。不同于其他一些大学,他们把生物技术项目开设在工程学院或者科学类学院下面,卡梅的MSBTM是一个真正的跨学科的项目,各个学科之间是非常的平衡和和谐,然而更深入的强调商业和科学的方面。

The goal of the program is to train managers who can simultaneously balance regulatory, scientific, and business issues as they provide advice and facilitate communication between the company's chief executive officer and chief scientist.


MSBTM Curriculum:

MSBTM Core Courses
There are three required core curriculums that you'll need to complete to receive the MSBTM degree:
General Policy & Management Core
Finance Accounting
Marketing Management
Managerial Economics OR Economic Analysis
Management Science I and Management Science II
Managing Organizations OR Organizational Management
Health Policy I

Elective Course Distribution
Tepper, Heinz and Mellon elective courses to be approved by a Program Director. Distribution must include a minimum of 12 units from each school and amaximum of 12 units from the Tepper School.

MSBTM Class Profile:

The MSBTM program was piloted in 2007 and with each entering class we seek to create a diverse community of students who are committed to working in this new and highly exciting field.
MSBTM Incoming Class Profile (3 Year Average)
Average number of incoming students 11
Women 55%
Men 45%
U.S. Citizens 39%
International students
Countries represented other than the United States:
• China
• India
• Taiwan 61%
Underrepresented Minority Students 6%
Standardized Tests
Average GMAT 643
Average GRE Quantitative (Old Scale) 756
Average GRE Quantitative (New Scale) 159
Average GRE Verbal (Old Scale) 550
Average GRE Verbal (New Scale) 155
Background and Experience*
1 - 3 years work experience 18%
Less than 1 year work experience 82%
Technical background 21%
Science/Medicine background 79%
*Work experience is full-time and does not include internships.
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